Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Immaturity and the American male

The reason American men are immature is that it is not socially enforced for them to see women as adults. Therefore American men never learn to relate to women in any other way than they would relate to mothers -- either with a hostile resistance to the feeling that women "want" to control them, or with benign conformity to "her" will. They can't see that adult communication doesn't involve a battle of wills where either dominance or submission is as stake.

1 comment:

Jennifer F. Armstrong said...

Actually, I was writing a short critique of the point of view represented in this article:

Betty Makoni: Jennifer eish got you now gosh it must have been a pain to understand the thinking behind.eish gender stereotyping looks like a culture there

Jennifer F Armstrong: I get the impression that gender stereotyping is much bigger in the US than it is even in Australia (and we do have some problems over here, as well). It seems that most women have a fairly emotional character inculcated into them over there, although they are still permitted to be morally assertive (and, in fact, are expected to express most of their views through a moral paradigm).

Cultural barriers to objectivity