Sunday, 24 April 2011

Visiting the extremes

My sex drive is extemely high, as are all of my hormonal levels. Nothing in my life is particularly smooth, as a result of these bombastic hormones. On what may be presumed to be the positive side of things, I don't find sexual engagement to be a problem. Even if I'm not feeling like it at a particular moment, I can adjust very quickly to the mood. It's very natural. When I am feeling on top of things in my life, my libido increases even more. Even at lower levels of interest, I have never been unsatisfied with sexual coupling. On the negative side of having such extreme hormones, my menstrual events have to be regulated by oral hormones, or it is like death. I do not exaggerate when I say it is like having swallowed poison whilst having a knife in the lower belly that I cannot remove. Psychologically speaking, I feel like I have a grenade in my stomach, which can and will explode. As a result of my biological state, I take a lot of interest in how people experience violence as well as various emotional extremes (i.e relating to the endurance of extreme pain).

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