Friday, 12 August 2011

Anecdata and the lost art of thought.

Karen Winnett: [.... I]n general I find the anecdotal is actually statistically irrelevant which is why I don't try to personalise things...
so you mean that the commonality should still be explored and therefore the personal has value to the wider dynamic?Ok...I'll reflect on that one.I can see that.

Projections of control from men are always there...the duck and dive to give clear signals of NOT being interested in a relationship or a sexual encounter doesn't seem to abate,and always there is an awareness on my behalf that the desire encompasses a control factor.Its is surreal how quickly some help translates into some sex and then some I am always clear about some help not going past some help...which is why some help is rare..
I know men are not aware..they are sociailsed as well, and they have needs to have a situtation they understand and control.Where does that comfort come from?Their social expectations...SO they are challenged when met with a different response.Many are then put on their mettle to relate to a woman as a person not a parody.Then the projection may start...aggression being common,and dominance.
I don't engage much..but many woman are attracted to the predicatable and the familiar dynamic,and they call it a relationship although it has precious little to do with relating and a great deal to do with two socialised modes of behaviour interacting.

1. I think there is a danger is being too afraid of the "personal".
My use of it tends to be illustrative, after having thought through quite a bit .For instance, take my example of Mike earlier in our talk, which was based on having made intellectual advances in relation to Freudianism.

The Nietzschean method of reasoning, (which is based on an assumption that subjectivity cannot and should not be denied), is related to a sense that we are all part of a historical unfolding of cultural meanings and attitudes. We are not isolated from the whole, because we cannot be. Therefore, "the personal" aspects of experience tend to have meanings in relation to a broader social context.  
Nietzsche, in some ways, inherited -- as well as personalised -- the Hegelian method of dialectics, which has the unfolding nature of Geist (objective spirit), via historical change, as its reference.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity