Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Identity politics, fascism and the lizard brain

It all began when Heidegger's nonsense superseded Lukac's considered critique of how reification works to turn reality upside down.

      • Jennifer Frances Armstrong So now we are all way "natural" and unreflective peasants, who nonetheless do not understand the meanings of words or how they control us.
        8 minutes ago ·
      • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Identity politics is in a lot of ways just another form of mysticism.

        I think it reaches down to a very basic level of our neurology, which has traditionally been exploited by fascism. We have a "lizard mentality" that needs to feel belongingness.

        But it is a VERY BAD idea to try to build a system of ethics on the functions of the lizard brain -- or, worse still, to assume that one has already been built.
        2 seconds ago ·

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Cultural barriers to objectivity