Friday, 13 January 2012

Nietzsche, Bataille and "facing death"

  1. I have a huge amount of knowledge about Continental Philosophy. Absolutely huge. I’m not always keen to communicate it as the structure of these ideas are not linear or rational. Nietzsche, for instance, wrote in an aphoristic style and suggested that he could only be understood by those with “long legs”, who could step from one peak of a mountain to another. I’ve managed to achieve this feat of fully understanding Nietzsche, after many years. I still can’t convey what I’ve understood, at least not effectively. I’m not sure it’s even advisable to try. People ought to read Nietzsche directly and then read Bataille’s take on him. It’s all about letting go of safety and servility — an action that can feel to some people like “facing death”.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity