Wednesday, 4 January 2012

What intellectual shamanism isn't

Intellectual shamanism is about destruction of identity, not the formulation of identity in order to build self-esteem.  That is a recipe for servitude.

  • Garreth Gothaven is not shamanism the rule you use to lead one to uncovering their potential.?
    14 minutes ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong no --it's not a human potential movement.
    13 minutes ago · 

  • Garreth Gothaven correction not lost but thats where the pendelums swing is currently, in any case for thngs to be the way they are was a product of human effort... Nw it is also pan africanist human effort that works to seduce man to an alternative state
    9 minutes ago · 

  • Garreth Gothaven if not a potential movement what is it then?
    8 minutes ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Just leads to more self deception -- trying to correct others in order to gain power over them. Very slimy.
    4 minutes ago · 

  • Garreth Gothaven i am not enforcing an identity politics per se but rather a cosmopolitanism in its strictest sense where equality and self esteem is not obtained by paddling another groups illusion of civility
    2 minutes ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Few people are actually capable of being themselves because they prefer lies and self deception. Shamanism is the capacity to be oneself. You can' t be that whilst you're trying to get power over others or build an identity to deceive them
    2 minutes ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong If people want no longer to be deceived, they ought to stop deceiving themselves -- stop trying to construct an identity
    about a minute ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Others can only deceive you because you are so willing to deceive yourself. You think that creating an identity will "command respect" from them. That is a basic level of self deception about the world and how it functions
    A few seconds ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong You can't reduce masochism by creating an identity with the intention of "commanding respect"
    4 minutes ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong That is actually a recipe for masochism.
    3 minutes ago · 

  • Garreth Gothaven so in a shamanistic aproach how would you reveal to a 5 year old black girl that the blond barbie doll is not better than a black doll at the same shop (not even a barbie too) is the 5 year old girl simply suffering from her inner desire for self deception
    about a minute ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Why do you think a shamanistic approach would be suitable for the moral edification of such a child?
    A few seconds ago · 

  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Most people deceive themselves, because of power relations and their natural way of handling them.
    2 seconds ago · 

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