Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Georges Bataille

One aspect of his thought that seems to enrage a lot of people is his idea of mystical experience, which he expresses as a form of ‘non-knowledge” that nonetheless has a structure. He begins some of his papers with the suggestion that he will now proceed to talk about non-knowledge and that he will not be able to describe it in language, because language itself is about knowledge and what the non-knowledge conveys is definitively non-linguistic.
He says, “I have failed to convey my sense of non-knowledge all the previous times I’ve tried to explain it and I will fail this time, too.”
You’ve got to love the French and their sense of irony. There is nothing French without irony.
At the same time,  this kind of irony makes some non-French people very angry and also very suspicious. “What is he trying to do? Is he a crypto-fascist?” they murmur under their breaths.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity