Saturday, 25 February 2012

On atheism and its current limits

I am an atheist, however, I see such value in Bataille’s conceptualisation of “mystical experience” as “non-knowledge”, since what he really means by that is deep subjectivity.

I’ve had USA citizens positively yelling at me online, because they feel a very profound need to cut loose from the religiosity they are, apparently, surrounded by. The tone of this screaming is that I’m somehow regressing from the standard they would like to set by my own embrace of deep subjectivity.

I do consider their attitudes to be philistine, whilst displaying an inability to separate their own cultural issues (the desire to be done with USA religiosity) from other people’s ideas and experiences.
There really is no harm in growing up and realizing that one’s own personal agenda may differ from others'.

One of these guy’s views was that one must be compelled to embrace the meaninglessness of existence. One wonders what fearsome god he has erected in his head that would command him to embrace “meaninglessness” as a way of proving his atheism. This formulation may seem logically consistent on the surface, but in the absence of a god that actually commands his atheism it makes no sense at all.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity