Sunday, 2 September 2012

Rooting out metaphysics

Metaphysics is essentialism.   In other words, it involves positing that eternal essences pertain to things -- be they individuals, groups or sexes, or to humanity itself.  The idea of "human nature", if unqualified by a recognition that this is influenced by historical change, chance and contingency, is metaphysics.

Metaphysics has the capacity to develop into whole philosophical and cultural systems, nonetheless its ideas are not provable by science.  Indeed science may provide the basis for disproving many metaphysical notions.

The common assumption that men are the essence of rationality, whereas women are the essence of emotionality can be questioned by science at a very basic level, by presenting the physiological fact that both men and women have both the capacity to experience emotion and to use reason.

Since metaphysics furnishes our lives with meaning even though these meanings are without substantiation, metaphysical assumptions can be hard to root out of our thought processes in general.

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