Saturday, 3 November 2012

Guilty liberals (thrice over)

Western political formulations are mostly absolutely insane, because people have learned to follow predictable routes when attributing blame of forming solutions. They don’t actually look at the situation as it is. They dare not. Or they would end up having to revise their treasured notions as to who is good and who is evil in the world.

A case in point. I posted a picture of a leopard cub that had been killed for no reason, in Zimbabwe. (I will post the commentary from the original picture below, as it illustrates what I am trying to say, only more acutely.)

From my posting on Facebook, I get one Westerner who claims that it’s time to educate the Chinese about the fact that ivory is not an aphrodisiac and it’s time to get the corporations out of the land reserved for animals. I repeated to this poster that leopards do not have ivory. He doesn’t care. A black Zimbabwean guy writes that leopards are considered to be pests, and are thus killed. This liberal guy doesn’t want to hear that perspective either. He wants an international program to educate people in China. He thinks corporations are bad for nature.

So it goes. Here is the original commentary, which describes how Western post-colonial guilt prevents people from seeing reality as it is:

This image was taken by a dedicated conservationist in the southern Lowveld of Zimbabwe, in the Chiredzi River Conservancy, which is currently under duress from land invaders and other political morons. The slaughtered leopard is a mere cub, hunted down with dogs and speared to death in a seemingly pointless destruction of yet another life in the sad saga of stupidity prevailing thanks to the shit-headed thinking which creates the philosophy of Zimbabwe’s political elite. This was done purely for fun and to get a hair up the noses of ‘settler’ conservationists who seem to care more about the plight of Zimbabwe’s wildlife heritage than do the indigenous population. No skin was reaped, or trophy taken, nor generally is the meat of carnivores eaten in many cultures, so what was the point? The sad thing is… just too many people are turning their heads the other way… Zimbabweans because they are too shit scared to go up against the dominating ‘force’ and foreigners because they are still suffering pangs of guilt for their colonial past. It terms of wildlife conservation, it is really time that people, especially Zimbabweans, started calling a spade a spade. Fingers need to be pointed, loads of noise needs to be made and those who are responsible for such wanton destruction must now be brought to book. Its a pipe dream, so long as the forces of law and order, the judiciary and all those who should care continue to enjoy the loot and spoils of their patronage. Seems like we are lumbered with this by all accounts of a weakened divided opposition… God help Zimbabwe! Oh, and where is God by the way….

Here is the picture:

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Cultural barriers to objectivity