Sunday, 25 November 2012

The majority are flakes who get it half-right

Is Feminism a Tough Badge to Wear? | Clarissa's Blog

Danny said: “You wouldn’t believe how quickly I was told [rather than listened to]”

Well that’s the thing with identity politics. Although it’s foundations of often epistemologically sure, the majority of people who embrace it cannot overcome their ressentiment. This means that instead of thinking carefully about what they hear, and then only resorting to attacking their actual enemies, they tend to attack their closest allies. I think this has to do with not being able to handle their revelations about systemic injustice. Their emotions build up to a point where they set out destroy those whose positions are most similar to theirs.

That is why we need to see that intellectual maturity and emotional maturity require each other, otherwise one of these gets beyond the other and people can’t contain themselves effectively.

The establishment of borders and boundaries does serve some primeval safety need, but there is a point when you have to get beyond the obsession with primeval issues of belonging and try to attack the system that produces inequality.

 Unfortunately, the greater stress people experience, the more they will think in terms of these strange boundaries, rather than being able to focus outwardly.

Another point: people try to develop group identity not only on the basis of a shared ideology, but on the basis of re-instating the ideologies of the oppressors. This is the degree to which identity politics is pathological -- and I would say it is 70 to 80 % mad.

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