Friday, 22 March 2013

Please! Violate my rights some more. I cannot stand it!

Fired for Jokes and for Reporting Jokes | Clarissa's Blog

I just get so angry when people turn on each other instead of seeing that their rights have been violated.

The animal that has attracted parasites cannot think for itself and turns against its own interests.  There are insects who travel up leaf, instead of downward, in their normal direction, to give birth to a parasite from their heads.

This is the state of the contemporary person in most advanced industrialized societies.  They've been played not once, but again and again -- and each time, they fall for the tricks anew, because they've already accepted the parasite.

Eventually, they will climb up leaf and die and parasites will come pouring out of their heads to start a new parasitical cycle.

Why does USA have no decent health care system to speak of and why do so many of its citizens continue to repulse a system that would take care of their health?


They will climb up the leaf and they will die in due course, but their unfortunate legacy will live on.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity