Tuesday, 28 May 2013

What is philosophy? Respecting boundaries.

Perhaps even the majority of people absolutely have a reading and perception problem or just want to be something they are not.  I just received a comment on my YouTube channel by someone who is sick.
This sickness afflicts the vast majority.  The man said in effect:  “I subscribed to you but we have nothing in common. There is nothing on my YouTube channel for you.   I just wanted to mark your video of that of a typical female talking about gynocentric society.  As you mentioned something about Rhodesia, Zimbabweans should have something to fear from your then.”
In other words:  “I am attracted to you, but I can only stick you with pins.  I confess I really wouldn’t have the faintest clue what you are talking about, except for my vague notions of identity.  I happened to recognize you were female -- that was clear.  I also noted you come from a place that most people would immediately put down as racist.  Why did you reciprocate by subscribing to me in kind?   I have nothing!  I AM nothing!  But pins I do have – and I’ll stick them into you.”
This is the mental illness of the majority.  And because it is not translated, in the way I have translated it, people feel it ought to be accommodated as part of the glorious mix that makes up our “civilization”.
And, to be frank, a version of this attack is an experience I’ve had again and again.  “We’re attracted to you!  Come over to our side!”  But when I reciprocate just a little (in this case by simply returning the favor and subscribing to this fellow’s YouTube), the viciousness and vindictiveness comes out.
Then they often get someone in officialdom to back them and to caution me to “stop being strange”.
And this is the form of passivity we really should be afraid of.  The majority can no longer read, or even take in information presented to them in visual/verbal form.   They are supremely passive and supremely needy, but they feel something humiliating in having to reciprocate or perhaps in having to be “seen” by someone who is not like them.
Self-knowledge is the only antidote – the only “muti” (it means tree medicine) – against this kind of onslaught, for if I had not known myself so well, I might have thought this fellow was expressing some legitimate fear of me, or at least something that could be overcome by clearing up some “misunderstanding”.
I would not have understood, as I now do, that the “misunderstanding” is deliberate on his part and necessary.  He has created it so as to form a buffer between me and him, which would protect his sense of weakness from my actual strength of character.  To remove this buffer by proclaiming it a “misunderstanding” is the last thing he wants.  He has put it there for a reason, because smallness cannot have self-respect when largeness sees it for what it is.
So the deepest interpretation of his comment is:  “I’m going to set up a ‘misunderstanding’ and I hope you will respect it.   I’m tiny and you’re large.   We have nothing in common.  I can comprehend identity, but only a little bit.   I am afraid of you, so please respect my space.”:
And this is wisdom – to be able to read what somebody is really saying, based on personal experience and knowledge and to preserve the boundaries they have set up.


RulingPart said...

It's the downside to the men's movement. Alpha males put women in their place and women want to have sex with them, or at least respect them. Right now I 'm "white knighting" because I 'm taking your side. It's a misguided way to achieve the same objective.

There is truth to this, but it's a deeply reductionist view. With frontal lobes as big as ours, we are more complex than that. A species which produces Hamlet cannot be so easily explained.

Still, chicks dig alphas, dude. High five!

RulingPart said...

It's the downside to the men's movement. Alpha males put women in their place and women want to have sex with them, or at least respect them. Right now I 'm "white knighting" because I 'm taking your side. It's a misguided way to achieve the same objective.

There is truth to this, but it's a deeply reductionist view. With frontal lobes as big as ours, we are more complex than that. A species which produces Hamlet cannot be so easily explained.

Still, chicks dig alphas, dude. High five!

Jennifer Armstrong said...

And why would anyone need to take anybody's side, when the truth is palpable -- namely that it would have taken that guy no more than five minutes max (given he was a school teacher) to find out that I don't fit his identity brackets.


Jennifer Armstrong said...

I've never behaved like that in my life and can't fathom anybody behaving like that.

Jennifer Armstrong said...

It's an American thing and not British at all. None of my friends behave that way.

RulingPart said...

I think it's universal, in so far as it applies to heterosexual attraction. Krauser is a Brit and he makes out like a bandit. He is also a racist after a fashion. I don't approve of that, just to be clear. Anyway, now it's in your head. We shall see...

Jennifer Armstrong said...

I'm 44 years old and it has never been my tendency. If you want to think it is universal, I disagree, but that it the nature of metaphysical postulates about gender. They have a very magical radiance about them.

RulingPart said...

And it's evident that you've never been a 17 year old boy trying to get a date. Explains so much!

Jennifer Armstrong said...

No, I've never been immature about gender.

RulingPart said...

I view it as being mature about gender in that it explains a very potent component of attraction. It works, too. Maybe it seems threatening. I didn't much like it at first, but when I took a look around, and when I started applying it to my own marriage, we both got happier.

Cheers, at any rate.

RulingPart said...

Oh, and I didn't mean "explains so much" to mean that you had missed something. I mean that it explains how I got dates. When I acted like myself, not so much success. They liked a cocky version of me much better. It explains that.

Jennifer Armstrong said...

But that's a metaphysical notion that you have, that your experiences and your relationship are the only ones that exist. In fact, there are all sorts of other kinds of experiences and relationships.

RulingPart said...

Yes, I concede the point. That said you seem resistant to the idea that you have instincts which you do not control. You are an animal as well as an academic. Biology can be transcended, but can it be transcended completely?

RulingPart said...

There is no "should." And you know I'm not raving.

So, I do not rob banks, because it would be wrong, but I actually do have an instinct to steal. A few months ago a kid at the store gave me twenty bucks change when it should have been five. I was all the way out the door before I turned around and gave it back. It took an act of will.

The prisons are filled with people who don't resist biology.

RulingPart said...

If its true then your hostility doesn't change the fact, and if it is not I'm wasting your time. Either way I'm off to bed. G'night.

Jennifer Armstrong said...

You have a really good theory of biology. So if I describe something in an ironic (tongue in cheek) way, is that YOUR biology or MY biology that is being "hostile"?

RulingPart said...

Looks like mine! No body language=ham fisted response. Sorry. I robbed a bank to strengthen my own point, by the way. Did you know they use cameras now? I won't be posting for awhile, so best wishes.

RulingPart said...

Imagine me posting the above with a bit of a smile and one raised eyebrow.

Jennifer Armstrong said...

Well at least we don't have hostile biologies to deal with now.

Jennifer Armstrong said...

Maybe if you say exactly what you mean I will understand it better. I don't understand American nuances as I'm not American.

Cultural barriers to objectivity