Sunday, 25 May 2014

Racial Differences | Clarissa's Blog

Racial Differences | Clarissa's Blog

I think there is little to discuss.  Australia is a colonial country and therefore many people feel that they've been caught out on the wrong side of the politically correct fence.  To deflect attention away from themselves whilst making themselves seem morally judicious, they attack white immigrants from Africa.   It is nothing more or less complex than this.

I have a Facebook friend, who was always extremely liberal in his views.  His father was condemned in South Africa for allowing his black workers to use mechanical tools, since that was considered to raise their status too much.     His father had to escape political persecution by going back to Germany.  Later Cedric (his son) migrated to Australia.

He said, "They thought I was a fascist because my hair had been cut very short when I was inducted into the South African mlitary."   He said it came really close to an all out brawl.

But never mind about the actual person, or their actual political views, some people see thing entirely in terms of national blocs and their interests.   And they never stop seeing things in that way.  There is an awesome level of superficiality.

So if you happen to have a very liberal personality, you do get attacked from all sides, by those who are "welcoming" you to your new abode and by those who hate you for betraying their original right-wing cause.

My siblings have all fared far better than I have, financially, because they have cooperated with the conservative agenda.  Me, not so much.  

But what is amazing is that the left itself has no qualms about making you continue to pay and pay.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity