Saturday, 17 May 2014

Women Don’t Fear Power. Power Fears Women.

Women Don’t Fear Power. Power Fears Women.

All of this is great -- well-written, good insights. But let us not try to get back into gender feminism. Misogyy is not cured by treating men and women differently. I know the author is in fact arguing in the opposite direction, that the norm should be more inclusive. But there is also some conceptual slippage in terms of including female "adaptive methods" as defining of females or contemporary femininity. Rather penalize the bad or excessive behavior or men, I think, than open the door to too much adaptive weirdness by females.

 Julia Gillard represented the heights of propriety, but the men around her were (and still are) being given a pass. The results have been nothing short of comedic in fact, as Australia has just been delivered a tough budget by those who had been in opposition to her, and people are now saying, "Ah, but for some reason, I trusted those guys implicitly." They didn't present any substantive evidence of a clear-minded policy or the capacity to rule the country or understand the workings of the budget prior to being elected -- but so many people felt these rght wing men already deserved their implicit trust.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity