Sunday, 28 December 2014

It’s All About Convenience, Silly! | Clarissa's Blog

It’s All About Convenience, Silly! | Clarissa's Blog

I think one of the worst signs of…can we call it decadence? is when you inform people that there are higher and lower levels of things and they freak out and bring out all their reflexively conditioned modern tropes against you. It doesn’t matter that these have no content or that their content is not relevant to anything you said. They will accuse you of being racist or elitist or….god forbid…egotistic (or its clinical sounding correlate, narcissistic) and so on. But there are still higher and lower orders of things. For instance, I used to be extremely ignorant about politics and philosophy and life in general, but I raised myself up to a higher level.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity