Thursday, 1 January 2015

The Future of Secondary Education | Clarissa's Blog

The Future of Secondary Education | Clarissa's BlogYes it is how reality works, in unfair ways, and not according to any efficient system to give people what they deserve when they deserve it. Like everything, Darwinianism plays its part. It’s not like every animal that gets killed by a lion is of an inferior genetic strain. Many are very fit, robust animals, or just very young animals that would have fared extremely well.

What I am pointing to is very far from being a system of natural justice. But I am pointing to something interesting that seems to be occurring right now, which is human instincts making an adjustment in relations to themselves. I’ll try to put it this way. A great deal of latitude has been offered for children and parents who want to bring up the children themselves. Actually, in a way that issue of the education of minors doesn’t even interest me as much as the way that fully grown adults fight with fury against being educated by drawing extremely narrow boundary lines. We see that on the Internet, for instance. But in any case, children and parents. Certainly. We have been experimenting with letting them do their own thing, to a large extent, as a society. What they’ve come up with is a tendency to push forward a view that knowledge isn’t all that important. We’ve let them do that, and like trolls on the Internet they have come up with the ideal short-term solution to bolster their self-esteem. “If knowledge is difficult to obtain, it isn’t worth it. I/we are fine just the way we are!”
But of course this is a decline in consciousness, so certain sectors of society will be in revolt against it. They’re the ones who still maintain that there may be a gap between what they already know, having sprung out of the womb, and what they ought to know.
Like anything with humanity, imbalances and attempts to make corrections are messy and do not guarantee any perfect outcome. A lot of potentially worthy young springbok will be eaten.

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