Thursday, 1 January 2015

Why Did the Nation-State Educate Everybody? | Clarissa's Blog

Why Did the Nation-State Educate Everybody? | Clarissa's Blog

“I wonder whether it is possible that the main source of power will be knowledge, and knowledge will be out there for free or close to free, and anyone who wants it will be able to take it, but most people won’t want to take it because of their lower intellectual needs / lack of understanding.”
This is what I am seeing. You can get a tremendous amount of very useful information from the Internet, but most people are locked into narrow worlds, despite this.
On the positive side, we can say that, given this Darwinistic understanding I have been explaining, there is now no longer any need to actively combat trolls on the Internet. If someone expresses a lack of belief in knowledge, we can cut them loose with a clean conscience, knowing that they at least had the opportunity to educate themselves and turned it down.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity