Friday, 6 February 2015

Humorless Comedians | Clarissa's Blog

Humorless Comedians | Clarissa's Blog

If someone starts to gesticulate wildly, whilst making all sorts of insinuations that are frankly intellectually insulting (and one would struggle to see how they were not intended to be), that shows a lack of self-containment that is nothing but astonishing in an adult.
Look at it this way, my basic psychological disorder or malfunction was due to my capacity for severe emotional control that was so extreme it entered into the realm of the pathological. Since I have this capacity for control myself, I do not take kindly to those who demonstrate they do not have it. If they are trying to make me lose control so as to exert their dominance, they will find that this does not occur, as losing control is not part of my character structure. Instead I gather my resources and retain control. But the attempt to undermine my sense of ethical rectitude and self-justification in the world was not helpful. I had to keep a compass and otolith and know which way was up. If someone implies that all the patriarchal abusers and avengers in my life had been right all along, that is severely undermining. It’s not only undermining to me but undermining to them, since habits of domination can express a terrible insecurity that needs to be redressed.
In any case, those who act out reveal their lack of wisdom and perception.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity