Wednesday, 25 February 2015


A very important video, that ought to clear up some misunderstandings.
I believe that many people can feel threatened when they sense that others map the psyche differently from how they do. I'm trying to show why we don't need to see superego shamanism as a threat, but as a way of defeating an internal threat. I'm sure that sometimes one may wish to defeat external threats by seeming dangerous to others, but in my case the real point is to defend one's existing psychological range, in relation to oneself only. Those who have a different structure to their mind, because of their different historical positioning, will tend not to implicitly understand this process, so will try to impose guilt and shame. This leads to a dropping off of performance, because if the voice of internal condemnation gets too loud, one is unable to access one's own emotions and feelings, which means one is unable to gain access to the feelings of others and determine if they are reasonable. Superego shamanism is a practice and an ongoing cure for those brought up in very harsh circumstances, who may feel their voice of reason being drowned out by criticism.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity