Sunday, 30 August 2009

5. List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself.

1. I'm very patient with people, and forgive almost any sort of error except the error of bad faith.

2. I'm exceedingly ruthless with people who commit the error of bad faith with me.

3. I don't have an ideology. I rely upon observation to determine what is what.

4. Every time a wingnut attacks me without good cause (ie. every time a wingnut attacks) I make sure to do five times the amount of positive things on behalf of the left -- such as donate to the third world, whatever. I can also gain much just by watching and learning.

5. I do believe, to a certain degree, in natural justice. I think people who treat others badly become sick inside.
6. I think not all authoritarianism is bad -- especially in schools.
7. I think most people fall for ideologies because they have not tested their own limits and consequently know very little about themselves -- or others.
8. I think that if we are psychologically in order, we can tell whether others are speaking tongue in cheek or not. If someone fails this test, it is probably because they have become used to lying to themselves at a fundamental level.
9. I'm getting fitter. My shoulders have hardened.
10. Pork ribs.


bread-sandwich said...

Isn't an ideology just a way of viewing the world? I am very unsure of the idea that we can ever observe the world except through our ideas of it. Which is why I spend so much time examining my ideas.

Of course, this leads me to often forget to observe the world directly, because I'm so caught up in ideas about the ideas I have concerning my ideas about the world.

Anyway, yes. I seem to be reading your journal. It is very interesting. Hello.

Jennifer F. Armstrong said...

The shamanistic mode of observation is, in fact, more direct than most postmodernists would ever dream of. One has to switch off, somewhat, the overactive part of thinking, in order to do it, though. That way, other parts of the brain can make sense of what one has already observed.

Seeing Eye Chick said...

The lack of acceptance of an outside ideology, and instead using the scientific method as a means to discern the nature of the most current social reality! Me Too! Me Too!

Once you start doing that, no one else's interpretation will ever quite do.

Pork Ribs are yummie.

Jennifer F. Armstrong said...

If you want to find out about shamanistic states of consciousness, you need to hit the books like I did. They are called "ASCs"

Erika said...

Or people who treat others badly are already sick inside.

Cultural barriers to objectivity