Saturday, 8 August 2009

Pick Up Artists

Reading a little, these days, about pick up artist culture, and relating on the basis of what I have personally experienced of them, I wonder if these types ever take into consideration that the reason why their techniques sometimes seem to work is that their attempts to manipulate women in conversation impacts on the psyche of women at the level of pre-Oedipal dynamics. It is, in other words, the mothering instincts in women that these pick up artists end up successfully appealing to, rather than their sexual instincts.

This, at least, is how I have often registered the approach. It's "Please! Help me! I'm a squaling child -- locked into only one side of a duality."

And I have often sort to help, in response to this subliminal appeal. And I have often sought to educate. Because its a terrible thing to leave a squaling child on its own.

It seems to me, then, that a neediness that is projected by those who are locked into one side of the masculine-feminine duality.  This is animus without anima,and this seems to scream out about poverty and loss.

Thus one has pity for such people, and lingers in their company; and they, in turn mistake this behaviour for sexual desire.

Sublate what is in you. Pour what you have into the ground.

The most surprisingly erotic experience I have ever had was at a party where all the heterosexual men were dressed as drag queens.

What was surprising is how the fancy dress compelled the men to go "beyond themselves". Simultaneously they reflected me in their appearance and their exaggerated mannerisms AND they fawned on me in an entirely heterosexual fashion. This activated so many different levels of of my mind at once: "It's me in front of me (a woman), but it's nonetheless not me; they're freely distributing themselves, yet they are so obviously using their access to their feminine side for very masculine (and heterosexual) purposes.

"I'm confused! I'm delighted!"

Isn't is the basis of eroticism to be confused and intrigued all at once?

But most men do not have enough security in their masculinity to flow out beyond themselves.

That, my friends, like the peacock's renowned tail, requires that one has one's essential qualities into excess.


Jennifer F. Armstrong said...

Sure, teach these men a few skills. Just let them know that these skills do not represent the TRUTH about anything. They are just skills. If they want to learn definitive truths about women, they should study literature or something elevating. Then they might get a few worthwhile ideas.

ivyleaves said...

Calling it the "seduction community" is enough to give it a bad reputation. The whole concept is despicable. And all of the lonely, depressed, socially backwards men can STILL get girlfriends pretty easily if they weren't also objectifying and stereotyping women.

I have contact with tons of guys who are in that category, and the 30 something ones who never have had sex invariably have the most ridiculous views of how women "should be" rather than just accepting them as friends.

On the other hand, my teenage son who was severely clinically depressed and barely left the house, was hospitalized, etc. is constantly pursued by young women. I would suspect that is because he actually values them as human beings. All of this dating crap is just trying to preserve a very horrible status quo.

Jennifer F. Armstrong said...

I'm inclined to agree with you, that so long as a male hasn't developed a noxious attitude towards women -- eg. treating them as stereotypes in some way -- at least some women will find him attractive.

I think that what some men want to have is power over women, because only the idea of this seems to make them imagine they can be sufficiently secure. They are like Islamic extremists always trying to crack down on the part of their consciousness that seems to be instrisically free from their harsh religious laws.

DJ Fuji said...


Claiming that not "objectifying women" can somehow counteract decades of depression, lonliness, neediness, and a general lack of social skills is pretty silly.

Have you met thousands of the men in the seduction community as I have?

No? So basically what you're saying is that you're stereotying those in this so-called seduction community? The very same men that you claim are having difficulty because they are stereotyping women?

The irony is not lost on me.

With all due respect, none of you have seen what I have seen. You are judging and condemning millions of men based on a few google searches and inherently biased feminist articles on the internet.

That would be like me trashing feminism because I saw a 30 minute tv segment on it.

Cultural barriers to objectivity