Saturday, 24 October 2009

People who hate people

Such people exist whose whole psychological structure is so watertight -- so unshamanistic, so incapable of letting anything inside that isn't already definitely them -- that they are born propagandists for whatever cause they happen to latch onto. These type of people can discuss anything for hours, and at the end, they will still only hold the views that they were holding at the beginning. They will have given the appearance of having listened, even of having engaged, but later it is as if nothing new had been said. The simple appearance of intelligent conversation has been belied by evidence that anything said that did not fit the propagadists' bill has been entirely and quickly forgotten.

These are the people who are governed by one single ruling idea. Suppose,for now, this is the idea of their own moral superiority. In this case, any information they receive will be subconsciously screened to see if it will feed the impression that such people wish to nurture, concerning their own superiority. If the information does not yield such possibilities, it will be discarded, as if it had never been spoken. If it seems like it might offer such, then the information is taken up and distorted in order to become part of a story that enhances the listener's self-impression.

A ruthless and a desperate quality possesses those who are forced to adopt such an approach. No matter how much they seem to cover it up with an attitude of calmness and concern, underneath the surface an entirely different process is in operation. It's a cultivated attitude that seeks to take whatever it needs from the other, without concern as to what the other would offer willingly, or would rather choose to withold from the determined receiver. Rather, what the hearers hear is what they desire to hear, which is entirely at odds with what the speaker intends to be spoken. Such an attitude towards the other rapes and pillages the other's mind for all that it can get. It takes that which has not been given. This attitudinal pillaging distorts, as it corrupts, even the very conditions for any clear and honest communication in the future -- it undermines the interpersonal foundation of genuine trust.

They must persist in their ways, perhaps, for what would not be lost by actually letting part of the outside world in?

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Cultural barriers to objectivity