Sunday, 4 October 2009

Th patriarch rides high

That which betrays the patriarch most assuredly is his absence of a self. He may protest and rant for all he's worth. Indeed, his ranting and protesting that he does indeed have a self worth taking care of is the very essence of patriarchy itself, and nothing more. He bellows and he protests in order to try to bring his self into being. For, all that he is destined to fail -- again and again.

For the patriarch is the one who has no self. An no admiration from women, no fear and trembling on their part, suffices to bring into being that which does not exist in the first place.

What of patriarchal sadism? -- for the patriarch is nothing, if he is not a sadist! This is nothing more than the attempt to borrow the flesh and blood of another in order to try to avoid facing facts by temporarily fabricating a self.

That which betrays the patriarch is his sadism -- his disbelief even in the possibility of authentic human relations. He experiences himself as something that is vulgar and repulsive -- which no right-thinking woman would want to go near to, unless she was "persuaded" by sheer force.

In this, too, he betrays that he lacks an authentic inner self.

For the patriarch is nothing, if he is not repulsive.

Cultural barriers to objectivity