Friday, 12 August 2011

Why feminism is often rejected out of hand


Taka TK Komboni said...

true as it can be but honestly speaking are women just after equal rights or have got a hidden agenda of being dominant.fine if they be dominant but they are likely going to abuse those powers if men give in

Jennifer F. Armstrong said...

The whole question you pose here could not have been more poorly conceived. It shows that patriarchal fog is still completely dense around this issue, no matter how hard I work to clarify it.

To use the expression, "if men give in", shows no understanding of what I have written.

What would they "give in" to? Well, the truth about who they are -- which is not always as negative as they imagine it would be.

As it is, they are already "giving in" to their worst fears and neuroses. Feminist women don't want that anymore.

Cultural barriers to objectivity