Sunday, 14 October 2012

Piggy in the middle: debunking a lie

What to Do About Bad People? « Clarissa's Blog

If the truth is “in the middle”, is this supposed to imply that the two parties involved have equal amounts of power? I guess this is assumed, but it is rarely the case. There are different factors determining how much power one has. These come down to one’s level of knowledge, one’s standing in society, one’s age and maturity, one’s credibility, the amount of wealth one has to fall back on (in case something goes wrong), and so on.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not arguing that the weaker party is always right via some leftist reversal of normal social dynamics.

Rather, one should take into account that some people are handicapped from the start, in relation to their ability to make a claim on creditable truth, whereas others have more social capital to draw on.

Those who speak glibly in a common tongue are often believed, whereas those who have to stand alone for any reason are often condemned reflexively.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity