Sunday, 8 September 2013

Crap social leftism

I believe modernity, rather than modernism is the object of my criticism.

Postmodernism is much worse.  Yesterday Mike and I were talking and we discussed that it's unconscious goal seems to be to level everyone to the level of the traditionally 'lowest of the low' in society -- the psychologically deranged.  We have to sacrifice ourselves so that they don't feel lonely or disempowered.   Respect people because of their lack of insight (not even 'in spite of' this), etc.  The psychology of postmodernism is the psychology of psychiatry.  You, the individual, have no knowledge of who you really are, only your own solipsistic sense of your being -- your "privilege".  You need others to point out to you what is real and what isn't -- and you ought to thank them for bringing you down and trying to make you conform.   Random strangers who pull you down are truly the doctors of the future, teaching you ethics and enhancing your sensitivity to what is really important -- the self-esteem of the irredeemably damaged folks in society, who could use your company and moral support.

The trend of most of cultural leftism is to go in this direction.


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Cultural barriers to objectivity