Saturday, 7 September 2013

Mum and Pop

Jennifer Frances Armstrong23 minutes ago · a mummy is always inferior to a daddy. A mummy has to give us the world, otherwise she falls short, but a daddy just needs to be a strict disciplinarianLike ·  · Unfollow Post ·  · PromoteNimrod Mwachande Don't think its the nature?5 minutes ago via mobile · LikeJennifer Frances Armstrong I think some people have no real reference points in their lives apart from mummy and daddy. For instance, they haven't struck out on their own and tried to have encounters and adventures, so everything they do is influenced by their early childhood conceptions of reality4 minutes ago · LikeJennifer Frances Armstrong Those are the people who see everything in these simple parental terms4 minutes ago · LikeJennifer Frances Armstrong There are of course groups of people and even nations that are more childish than others. Even in advanced cultures, there are many immature people who can't get over their conceptions about the perfect mummy2 minutes ago · LikeJennifer Frances Armstrong Many of these are on the left of politics2 minutes ago · LikeJennifer Frances Armstrong in fact the left of politics desires a perfect mummy and punishes an imperfect one, whereas the right of politics desires a perfect authoritarian poppa

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