Sunday, 29 September 2013

Rein it in, just so much

Why don't Americans just rein it it a little bit, especially nowadays that reality has shown itself to be objective. In the past, in the 90s, everybody was prepared to speculate about what reality was. Many thought they could convince others that their reality was supreme.

But those days are long gone and the global influence of American culture is starting to drop off. Getting rid of psychiatric drugs( as one of the first answers to feeling down) is a necessary measure to reform American culture.

 Beyond this, to no longer view everything from the point of view of a hungry consumer intent on getting one over on someone else or getting something for nothing, is required.

 Also, Americans need to develop critical thought patterns in areas like feminism and the like. That way, they won't be led around so easily by their intense emotions.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity