Sunday, 4 May 2014

Schizophrenia and the womb state


ah, yes, I think I have finally reached the born level recently, but in fact one should never choose to totally let go of the womb.  It is required for all of our renewal processes, otherwise we dry out and die prematurely.   Even nature has a built in return-to-the-womb process for adults, which is sleep.  And then there are other processes involving intoxicants, sexuality and so on.

In fact (and I am watching your video recommendation on Bob now), there is reason to think that constant return to the womb, or indeed remaining somehow linked to it (if not entirely) produces the optimal state for human health.  For instance W.H.O.  statistics suggest that those who contract schizophrenia in third world countries generally recover from it much more often, whereas those who get it in advanced industrial countries do not make a recovery.   Now the reason is probably that those who get it in developing countries remain in their communities, and in developing countries, the community is full of emotional sap, like a womb.

So the womb gives us rebirth whenever we are injured – and this is one of the fundamental shamanic insights, and also why cave-like imagery appears so often in shamanic texts.

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