Georges Bataille, in opposition to the real fascists from Jennifer Frances Armstrong on Vimeo.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Monday, 28 July 2014
Sunday, 27 July 2014
incompleteness/soul loss
Friday, 25 July 2014
DUTY is different from ENTHUSIASM and takes a different channel
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Ordinary being
Shamanic genius
Monday, 21 July 2014
The iniate as achieved concordance
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Destabilizing writing
Response: MH17, the abyss and non-being
Personally, I think that once one becomes more attuned to EXPECTING any slippage OUT of centrism or (to use my term, out of the insistence on “being” and into the recognition of the presence, as it were of “nonbeing”) one finds the kind of writing or gestures that always insist on the presence of “Being” (or, to use your terms somewhat, the dialectic of satisfaction and non-satisfaction) to be lacking in some fundamental capacity for recognition . For instance, I just read an article about the MH17, which is supposed to evoke our sense of drama. The relatives said goodbye to their smiling relatives at the airport and now what remains of these travelers are just broken body parts, hardly recognizable as the people to whom they’d said farewell. But this writing does not really evoke a sense of horror, because people insist on remaining at the level of “Being” with regard to all of this, when what is really horrific is the turning of Being into Nonbeing. If a journalist were able to portray the transition of Being into Nonbeing, THAT would truly be horrifying. It would also more accurately depict what has occurred. But journalists (and most people) write in very centrist prose.
And there is also a reason for this ACTUALLY VERY SAFE LANGUAGE of centrist prose, because it is very reassuring even in the midst of death, since such language cannot really acknowledge death or come to terms with it. It is, after all, necessarily centrist – DENOTING THE LANGUAGE OF BEING, even when the words themselves STRIVE VAINLY to connote the opposite. So you end up with newspaper headlines with all the pictures of the passengers saying, “BRING THEM HOME”. That is also centrist (conventional) logic – which is the logic of presence, even in circumstances of its MANIFEST OPPOSITE (death, non-presence, non-being).
Language, it seems always leads us to speak in terms of an illusionary presence. So much is this so that in THE PHILOSOPHY OF LOGIC there was a huge debate among logical positivists about whether language is misleading inherently, since one can make the assertion “Pegasus does not exist”, but the use of the label, “Pegasus”, already denotes existence. Similarly, the word “dead relatives, as a result of terrorists” also evokes the notion of their existence --- and so some people remain transfixed, if not completely, at least in part.
I think that a useful way to look at the problem (although this way also can be misused, lending itself to the naïve and mystical formulations you have been critiquing), is in terms of the solidifications of meanings that becoming linguistic conventionalism. And what is language itself, other than a solidification of conventional terms and (even) relationships? We have (to take a trivial example), “man VERSUS woman”. We have “cats” – but all “cats”, having been labeled as such, now seem somehow are the same, unless we look at them more carefully and with a discerning eye. But language itself compels us to put them in the same bracket, hence one “cat” seems interchangeable with another, even if we already KNOW on some other levels of knowledge, that this is not so. When the hypnotic spell of language is broken, however, we start to see the variations and the unpredictability and are suddenly in the second dimension of experiencing.
And I think what you are also saying, if I put it in my own words, is that the ascetic tries to enter the second dimension by denying himself satisfaction ON PRINCIPLE, but that this leads to a false light as the dialectic he creates for himself is itself false or illusionary. You can’t enlighten yourself “on principle”, because you can’t really force the issue of enlightenment. It’s much more organic than that.
That said, we can’t avoid using language, or even (because of the way our brains function) evoking the metaphysics of presence. The whole obsession that some people have with their IDENTITIES expresses a desire to stabilize themselves in reality through the use of language. It’s really very narrow, because I cannot express to you or others who I am by using language. Unless I were a very conventional person myself and allowed language to pin me down and constrain my VERY BEHAVIOR, any strong labeling of myself would be misleading.
But “non-presence” and “non-being” – isn’t that what Poe’s Raven was trying to communicate to us? And maybe dogs also sense it, but I think the ravens do as well. I was in the park one day and one flew very low, flapping sullenly on a horizontal path, and fixed me with its steely eye.
Saturday, 19 July 2014
inner resources
Even when left alone, it wasn't so much left alone as I kept this attachment. It's what I mean by not being allowed to grow up.
I see. I guess in a way I had the opposite experience as in the feeling that there ought to be a sky above me (a firm enough system of authority) that guarantees people will behave in a trustworthy manner, or else I will fall apart. In your case, your concern may be a lack of ongoing, reassuring nurturing.
In my case, a lot of things I tried to do were sabotaged -- either by history, or by individuals or by groups of people. So, Now I don't really trust that if I lean against a situation and make it accept my whole weight, the floor will not open up so that I fall through it. I've had that experience often enough.
I wonder if in your case, you are not just waiting for the nurturing mother, but also waiting for her to betray you, by taking up your space and making it all about her. Betrayal on this level might seem warm and nurturing, but is she was taking up the space you needed for your adult self, that was not good at all. Maybe if many of your inner resources were not directed to your mother, you would have been able to use those resources on yourself.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
The cause of initiatory madness
This was my original notion. But now I think that any guarantee of a safe return is influenced primarily by whether or not one's very early childhood was happy, or perhaps inhibited in some way. I think one's very early childhood forms the foundation to start again, but if that was itself unhappy, the outcomes probably will not be as good.
In Marechera's case, he did have a very happy few early years and really felt attuned to nature. In effect, then, one can lean on the memory of these early years, and this helps to rebuild. But if one cannot lean on those, because those memories themselves do not allow oneself to reflect on oneself as a WHOLE being, then that is obviously problematic.
I guess in that case there are holes in the matrix all the way through. But the goal of shamanism is still to try to reconstitute the self as a whole. Only, I don't think a regressive mode will work in that case.
Perhaps, at least in theory, what one needs to do instead is to find out what is missing from one's being that makes it less than whole. For a Rhodesian white woman, such as myself, we missed the visceral aspects of bodily experience, I mean access to raw emotional states. So I also had to go looking for these sorts of memories and experiences (even if I hadn't originally had them) and add them on to my base of self-knowledge. This has been done and I have done it by correcting the historical error and adding them on retrospectively. When I did this successfully, I cured myself of an immune system deficiency (literally -- I used to catch every 'flu and cold).
But it is hard to know what is missing in each individual's particular being, so that one can close off the hole to the matrix.
I think Marechera's writing CAN be instructive, if you immerse yourself in it, because he really was a completely WHOLE person who found all the missing parts of himself and got them to work together. So by reading his writing, but through full immersion, you can get a sense of which parts of yourself are still switched off and try to bring them into full functioning. I, myself, had to read BLACK SUNLIGHT about 50 times to break down my resistance to raw, visceral experiences. But once I had done that, I experienced for the first time the raw sensations of a more delicate form of life. This was healing for me, because I realized I could access more of life's sensations without being in an automatically defensive mode against them.
But everybody will be different. And it does take some work!
What is full shamanic immersion?
Why Do We Need Israel / Palestine? | Clarissa's Blog
Of course, in a way Israel is the force of colonialism, which people who feel sensitive in the Western world desire to take steps to dissociate themselves from. One wants to identify overtly with the oppressed and downtrodden, so it is useful if they continue to suffer anguish and keep being oppressed and smashed. One can pulverize the feeling of one’s own Western conceit in that way and feel maschostically alleviated of one’s psychological burdens. It’s a terrible, terrible thing to be the benefactor of colonial power — which all Americans, British and Australians are, in a way. To purge oneself of that sense of guilt by suffering masochistically, alongside the pulverized (at least in the imagination) is therefore thought a boon. Otherwise one may be tempted to flip over and become like Israel, terrorising one’s own native peoples, and scaring away migrants. Therefore an external representation of the whip is always helpful. I’m sure you will all join me in suffering the trials and tribulations that are afflicted on the weak, in the spirit of Hamas, which really means well and embodies the meaning of human freedom and extreme purity. It really doesn’t matter what their ideology is. I, for one, identify with them as one of the smashed. And those who will not do so, represent only the flipside of me, because that is all that remains for them to represent!
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
The map of "shamanism"
Monday, 14 July 2014
The Vector of Patriotism | Clarissa's Blog
There's also another related tendency which is to hand wring about how one may have said something by a photo one had taken that was not politically adept or authentic. That is truly bizarre. For instance, this medical student volunteers abroad and then for whatever reason has her photo taken with some local kids. She later comes back to the US and laments in an exceedingly grandiose style that her picture might have sent the wrong message and that she was truly up herself when she had had that original picture taken with some black kids.
I guess there are all sorts of ways to milk oneself for publicity, but some people want to benefit by looking at themselves from all angles.
Heres is a similar critique to the article I read originally.
Hilarious Links Encyclopedia | Clarissa's Blog
The three levels of knowledge
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Saturday, 12 July 2014
Friday, 11 July 2014
Shamanism and the historical current
Thursday, 10 July 2014
The Disease of Nationalism | Clarissa's Blog
Group emotions (as opposed to nationalist emotions) have always been with us and are a primeval function of our civilised mineds. It doesn't matter that much to which emblem these emotions are attached. We will follow along in any case.
Bataille and guilt
Who Needs to Coddle the Millennials? | Clarissa's Blog
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Know Thyself
Clarissa's Blog | An academic's opinions on feminism, politics, literature, philosophy, teaching, academia, and a lot more.
You seem to be addressing me as if I were some kind of ideological enemy who would set about "demonizing" anything. But I'm not even in America and do not subscribe to American tribal identities, so a lot of your rhetorical power is wasted on me. Also it leads to you not addressing my actual points. All I am saying is that the religious paradigm is losing its hold -- a very general historical movement from religion to atheism is taking place. The consequences are that the monastic modes are being devalued as a matter of course and that business models are filling the vacuum they are leaving (not a practical vacuum per se, but in our minds and hearts).
Clarissa's Blog | An academic's opinions on feminism, politics, literature, philosophy, teaching, academia, and a lot more.
Right -- the business model is taking over more and more, because there is money to be made from it. It's part of the movement generally from Feudal society, where studiousness was considered to be inherently moral and righteous as a service to God, to one where making money is the only service to anybody that you owe. Furthermore, since quality does not matter so much as the making of money (which correlates with the erosion of Feudalistic sensibilities), it does not matter if high quality people are not kept on in permanent positions so much.
That is the real paradigm shift we are experiencing.
Spain’s Unemployment | Clarissa's Blog
The danger in psychologizing the law is that even if one is changed, the other remains the same. They are two separate entities. So, making it easier for companies to sack people might, in the end just make it easier for them to sack people. It may not influence whether any more full time jobs become available in any companies, since nowadays it is easier to take people on as casual labor, as a matter of economic principle. There's nothing psychological about this. The more flexible the workforce is, and the more dispensable it is, the more easily a company can make a profit and minimise its risks whenever the market fluctuates. It's just good business practice to hire a casual labor force and let others take care of their health costs, their days off, their training, etc.
Weird Country | Clarissa's Blog
I’m also reading amazing things in an old book by evolutionary psychologist David Buss, where he claims that emotional investment in marriage drops off after four to five years. Just amazing things. And all about the fakery that premarried couples engage in, to heighten their value on the market place. And how they’re really looking to heighten their evolutionary success through producing random offspring. It’s just amazing how a how culture can get sucked into a mindset like this.
core selves
So let us think of ourselves as different kinds of planets with different mineral constitutions. Many will have an obviously a molten core – a feature I have often encountered before. But I have a very gaseous core. I’m more solid on the outside than I am internally. Therefore, moving gradually away from my inner self, or its supposedly narrow concerns, does not make any sense to me.
2. In my case, what was damaged was not my inner core of being, but my outer levels, more pertaining to the shell. If you imagine something like a cross section of the Earth, my inner core was in a fine condition, but the external shell -- the colder adult reaches -- were prematurely solidified and misshappen. Actually, recently I did more work on myself. I took some very high doses of resveratrol (the red wine extract) along with red wine itself. This seems to have changed me in some way. I feel more like the Buddha and can pass situations by that do not appeal to me, without having to fend them off. So, I've expanded my capacity to cope with more diverse situations, including boring or unappealing ones. I suspect this will make me into a better workhorse when it comes to applying myself to such things as really getting a handle on my martial arts syllabus (which is quite boring to learn because it's very repetitious).
On Bataille versus Wolin: outdoors philosophy
On Bataille versus Wolin: outdoors philosophy from Jennifer Frances Armstrong on Vimeo.
Philosophizing outdoors on dialectics, Richard Wolin versus Georges Bataille (and WHY) & more dialectics, along with historical observations and scientific fact.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Monday, 7 July 2014
Shamanic knowledge
Prepare for Controversy! | Clarissa's Blog
I remember when I was first taught the word, 'controversial', in high school, after migrating from Zim. Like everything I experienced then, it seemed like a rather watered down word, even rather passive. It seems like you need an assembly to sit down and be undecided for a very long period of time, for something to end up being deemed "controversial".
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Saturday, 5 July 2014
Friday, 4 July 2014
Roads into and out of communication
Roads into and out of communication from Jennifer Frances Armstrong on Vimeo.
It should never be taken for granted that communication has occurred just because one has spoken. There are all sorts of variables that become barriers or facilitators of effective communication.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
The State and the Individual, Part II | Clarissa's Blog
Japan is partly embracing neoliberalism but is also become more nationalistic, with the recent reinterpretation of its constitution and the capacity of its military to engage in warfare so long as that seems to be on behalf of its allies. It also has a pronatal policy and certain protectionist tarrifs, for now.
It will be interesting when aspects of reality that do not pertain to productivity or to the military, are no longer attended to by the government. You will have people, like Obama, for instance, denying the value of education, since after all this does not pertain to the needs of those civilisans who run the corporate hierarchies. You either get trained specifically to work for them, or you don't "need" an education anymore. Your allegiance is not to anything broad or meaningful beyond the corporation you spend your life working for, and have been trained from an early age to fit into.
ideological thinking
History is the opposite of ideology -- rather the ruptures that undermine and destroy simplistic ideological thinking.
The dimension, that can radically transform out natures relates to historical seismic shifts, taking place in the medium of time. This is the third dimension of our identities, that is generally overlooked when considering who we are and weighing up our characters in moral terms.
We are not two-dimensional beings with a consistent essence, but rather with a third dimension that is history and time -- an authentic a part of our being as the rest of us is.
I have had to be in the process of still piecing these things together -- I mean how the political and the psychological were almost the same thing -- because of the force of a competing paradigm that I encountered immediately after migration, which stated emphatically that these were not the same, but rather that we were all already operating solely as narrow individuals, unaffected very much by what occurs outside of our skin.
So In a very alarming way, I had to attack those presuppositions within myself, too, that were Christian and humanist, that made me imagine that I was not also under the sway of very large historical currents. I've spent years attacking myself on this basis, just to blast open enough space so that I could see things more correctly. When one has error in one's own head and in one's own instinctive reactions, reality cannot easily make its way inside, to the point of full acknowledgement. (And even when one gets a flash of things, it can be almost impossible to convey one's insights, due to the extent that false premises have also lodged themselves in the minds of others.)
I do think that a very extreme, Christian soldier (unto death) mentality was overturned after the Rhodesians lost the war, when "God" had abandoned these fighters. They had all this pent up aggressive energy, and a sudden almost total corrosion of faith. That was very bad to be around, especially for someone of my gender.
GENDER, MASSIVE CHANGE & PSYCHOPATHY from Jennifer Frances Armstrong on Vimeo.
The dimension that can radically transform out natures is involved with historical seismic shifts taking place in the medium of time. This is the third dimension of our identities,which is generally overlooked when considering who we are and when weighing up the nature of our characters in moral terms.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Capitalism = Feminism | Clarissa's Blog
Capitalism allows women an attempt to find freedom, just like jumping on a leaky life raft is better than staying on a definitely sinking ship. Perhaps land is close by and perhaps the ocean currents will allow a high proportion of people to be saved. One can never know.
Five discoveries taking science by surprise | Science | The Observer
The data suggest that the alterations to which genes are turned on or off survive at least two generations: the one that suffered in the womb during the famine, and their children.
They may go much further. A 2011 study published by researchers at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, demonstrated epigenetic mutations that lasted for at least 30 generations in plants. So far, we haven't proved such long-term changes in humans but there are hints that epigenetics cascades through the generations.
Perhaps even the majority of people absolutely have a reading and perception problem or just want to be something they are not. I just rec...
Wouldn’t a Matriarchal Society Be Great? | Clarissa's Blog It's very bizarre essentialism. The 19th Century European notion -- or ...