Think of what it would be like if you had to be a spirit outside of your body, for a period of time. Everything you experienced was kind of airless and foodless and insubstantial. Around you is a field of abstract words and abstract actions and harsh historical forces clashing against other even more violent forces, to the point that you wonder how anything human could even be permitted to survive for very long, if at all.
And then suddenly, with a rush, you are in your body. You can live and breathe and eat food and have forays and exist within a self, with vision and hearing and tactile sensations.
Suddenly, just having a being seems like the most miraculous thing in the world. It’s not that you think you are a perfect being all of a sudden or that you do everything right. But you are so surprised by your capacity just to BE within the mode of being that everything seems worthy of remark and reverence.
Well, this is the shamanic discovery of ORDINARINESS as a high point of existence!
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