Why Do We Need Israel / Palestine? | Clarissa's Blog
Of course, in a way Israel is the force of colonialism, which people who feel sensitive in the Western world desire to take steps to dissociate themselves from. One wants to identify overtly with the oppressed and downtrodden, so it is useful if they continue to suffer anguish and keep being oppressed and smashed. One can pulverize the feeling of one’s own Western conceit in that way and feel maschostically alleviated of one’s psychological burdens. It’s a terrible, terrible thing to be the benefactor of colonial power — which all Americans, British and Australians are, in a way. To purge oneself of that sense of guilt by suffering masochistically, alongside the pulverized (at least in the imagination) is therefore thought a boon. Otherwise one may be tempted to flip over and become like Israel, terrorising one’s own native peoples, and scaring away migrants. Therefore an external representation of the whip is always helpful. I’m sure you will all join me in suffering the trials and tribulations that are afflicted on the weak, in the spirit of Hamas, which really means well and embodies the meaning of human freedom and extreme purity. It really doesn’t matter what their ideology is. I, for one, identify with them as one of the smashed. And those who will not do so, represent only the flipside of me, because that is all that remains for them to represent!
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