Wednesday, 2 July 2014

ideological thinking

Ideological thinking is precisely what cannot understand historical time.  Because historical time is full of ruptures and slaps in the face to the idea of a progressive motion of humanity.  It is really is contingency and madness and sudden catastrophes --- ruptures of ideological tectonic plates.

History is the opposite of ideology -- rather the ruptures that undermine and destroy simplistic ideological thinking.

 The dimension, that can radically transform out natures relates to historical seismic shifts, taking place in the medium of time.  This is the third dimension of our identities, that is generally overlooked when considering who we are and weighing up our characters in moral terms.

We are not two-dimensional beings with a consistent essence, but rather with a third dimension that is history and time -- an authentic a part of our being as the rest of us is.

I have had to be in the process of still piecing these things together -- I mean how the political and the psychological were almost the same thing -- because of the force of a competing paradigm that I encountered immediately after migration, which stated emphatically that these were not the same, but rather that we were all already operating solely as narrow individuals, unaffected very much by what occurs outside of our skin.

So In a very alarming way, I had to attack those presuppositions within myself, too, that were Christian and humanist, that made me imagine that I was not also under the sway of very large historical currents.     I've spent years attacking myself on this basis, just to blast open enough space so that I could see things more correctly.  When one has error in one's own head and in one's own instinctive reactions, reality cannot easily make its way inside, to the point of full acknowledgement.  (And even when one gets a flash of things, it can be almost impossible to convey one's insights, due to the extent that false premises have also lodged themselves in the minds of others.)

I do think that a very extreme, Christian soldier (unto death) mentality was overturned after the Rhodesians lost the war, when "God" had abandoned these fighters.  They had all this pent up aggressive energy, and a sudden almost total corrosion of faith.   That was very bad to be around, especially for someone of my gender.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity