Sunday, 14 December 2014

What Happens When You Stop Watching Television — ALL THINGS GO — Medium

What Happens When You Stop Watching Television — ALL THINGS GO — Medium

It took months to decompress and discharge from being force-fed alarming, terrifying and horrifying messages for nearly 30 years. TV makes you care about things that have no relevance in your life whatsoever. Yes, animals get abused but one of your neighbors lost his job and hasn’t eaten in days. Go take him a casserole. Now! Your cousin doesn’t know how to read so go read him a book and tutor him. See, friends and family used to help eachother but now we’re too busy watching DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES marathons to help our friends who are ACTUAL desperate housewives stuck in loveless marriages, trapped in jobs they hate with underwater mortages and there are no bakes sales in sight.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity