Sunday, 15 March 2015


By military hand we decreed that the women should be equal to the men.  That was simple enough to reinforce it.  Discipline on every level, then, but time for revelry outside of regulated hours.  The alternative model we had rejected by us.  Reduction of risk for a desire to breed.  It made it so that meaning was drained out of life.  The enemies had kept up their own subtle war of constant propaganda that implied that every hurt or broken toe was a reduction of their straight humanity.  Multiplying their lives depleted their quality.   If all was reproduction, a perpetual oblivion sweeps in, individuals only half aware that they would die.  They thought they would live on, not just through their children but through their children's children.  Half awake, they'd amble through their lives, but never knowing fate.   For our part, we desired our children to think differently.  We made them understand how all might drain away, this precious nectar.  For us, this knowledge was eternal life.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity