Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Vlog CDVII - YouTube

Vlog CDVII - YouTubeLeta Robinson 3 hours ago

Listening to the topic on the way narc love relies solely on functionally it doesn't surprise me on the claims that many fall into highly professional careers like business, doctors, layers, scientist. They really deny the spiritual/emotional aspect of being human and they seem to deny that part of our dynamic in relationships and living. I wonder if the ones who are not in the professional careers think in that same degree? Emotion A + Emotion B = Emotion C. We are like a simple formula, really clinical? I have to work at a phone center where we are not suppose to freely make comments and it is so weird that lately they given us emotional prompts [stupid] depending on what they respondent says. Sometimes the prompts are not even relevant or personable in real conversation. It is incredibly embarrassing, sometime I won't even use them.
+Leta Robinson Yup. This rings true. Zombification. We are ruled by narcs. (And I, personally, have spent many wasted years trying to adjust to narcdom, which I thought was "Western culture". There's no adjusting to this, though, not if you are whole and know better.)

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Cultural barriers to objectivity