Saturday, 27 February 2016

Narcissism 101: "Prove Yourself!"

I do not feel the wound
The house dresses on my heart.
I do not suffer the nightmares
The house is exorcising from my head.
You would I remember the Struggle
This museum, memorabilia of massacres;
But television on my mind has imprinted
Worse day-to-day horrors I am only
Startled, wounded, by the spectacle of kisses
and kindness.

Irony is not a confessional genre

Sacha Slone
9:36 AM
+Jennifer Armstrong
"....And I was constantly told that it was very, very normal for me to be bashed, and that I must learn to expect it, because my "privilege" had to be taken down a few notches. So I developed a very ironic sense of things..."

Wow, this quote is absolutely one of the best descriptions of this fucked-up way of thinking that we call 'American Culture' ...aka 'the psychopathic control grid.'
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Jennifer Armstrong
9:41 AM
+Sacha Slone That is why I impose my own control grid on my YouTube channel and often dissuade Americans from joining it.  There are a lot of people who just reiterate the control grid without understand that I am critiquing it.  And what I find is that the people who are most mentally damaged can never, ever understand irony.  They tend to read irony as a confessional or naive genre.   It's very hard for them to step back from a situation and to say, "Perhaps this isn't as it is supposed to be?"
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Thursday, 25 February 2016

Narcissistic societies corrode & destroy even normative communication

Vlog 51

It's the current cultural logic that we only communicate to get narcissistic supply or "attention". This is the prevailing logic on the basis of which the victims of narcs can seem like bigger narcissists than the perpetrators, because they are more likely to try communication to address the issues, whereas the perp himself (or herself) is laconic and often seems emotionally withdrawn. If we can get people to think in a different cultural way, so that they don't automatically assume that forms of communication are ways of getting attention, then we can start to erase this culture of narcissism.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Schizoid (old-fashioned) world view Vs. contemporary Western culture

Educated Empaths are Narcissist's Worst Nightmares

The main hole in the defenses of narcissistic types of people is their sense of entitlement. This is very broad, indeed. For instance, they see it as acceptable to fail to listen or attend to what someone else is communicating (no matter how urgent or serious the other person insists it is) and then they expect to be understood and responded to when they are the ones doing the speaking. There is no reason to feed into this entitlement. If someone has disregarded my urgent communication asking for their assistance, I will, in turn, push them down into non-existence and make them work very hard to communicate what they are trying to say. I won't assume that their communication is innately human or meaningful. I will keep asking them what it means when they try to say something. I will say that it is unclear, and that there is nothing in the realm of common-sense that correlates with what they are trying to say. I'll say that I would be more than prepared to listen if they would come up with something meaningful. They just need to try, a lot more, to get their point across.

New Age notions about redressing narcissism are too passive - YouTube

New Age notions about redressing narcissism are too passive - YouTube:withowls eyewatch12 minutes ago

My encounters with people who have entertained new age notions have been harmful to the absolute extreme. Since I've learned about narcissism, I have come to realize that New Age notions are nothing but null and void of all sensibility and reality. The notions are all made up…by covert narcissists.

New Age metaphyisical teachers and student know absolutely nothing about evil, and in all cases, it's the easiest places for narcissist to hind and ensemble their flying monkey enablers. Let the gullible keep their heads in the sand. They know nothing and care nothing about the suffering inflicted upon victims of narcissistic torture. They don't want to hear anything about narcissism or the impact on the victims.

I have in the pass year removed all books, material, and everything else laying around that represents New Age notions. Out of my home, out of my life, out of my sight, out of my mind. I will never make any purchases in the future of anything that comes from New Age teachings. I'll never return to any group activities, workshops, churches that speaks of New Age ideas or ideals.

They don't know anything about narcissistic abuse. They don't care to know. They don't know that New Age notions enable narcissistic abuse. The horror stories of abuse I could tell about wandering into New Age communities. People are oblivious. They are comfortable remaining oblivious. Their notions misdirect and mislead. The bottom line is that narcissists created all the notions that sound good, but are completely empty to the truth. New Age looks nice and clean, it sounds sweet and peaceful and pretty, but it's a pig trough.

From now on, after learning the truth from the community of people who have suffered from narcissism as I have, if I meet a person who has no awareness of narcissism, I will make no investment trying to form a relationship with them. It's like this…"Free, at last! Free, at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!
Jennifer Armstrong 
+withowls eyewatch Excellent points! I agree. in a way, though, I am critiquing the more subtle or reasonable New Age mentalities. For instance (and I may elaborate on this later) I think that oftentimes "codependency" becomes a New Age spiritual notion, since ideas surrounding it counsel us to work on ourselves, when actually there is no such thing as a "spiritual journey" or "soul" that can be brought to perfection. Oftentimes, the advice given is very wise, but at the same time lacking in awareness regarding the above (that is, that there is no such thing as a "spiritual journey" or "soul" that can be brought to perfection). If you realize that human beings are not necessarily "on a spiritual journey" of their own, you may start to counteract aberrrations and violence in society using practical methods, including group awareness and solidarity.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Narcissists and the Polar Opposite Principle

I think we do need to be careful, because some people are quite aware of different aspects to themselves, which may be something they are working on at an emotional level, or even questioning on an intellectual level. In an environment where narcissism is universalised and expected, the simple statement "I can do this!" when facing something difficult or seemingly insurmountable, can be seen as a narcissistic assertion of the opposite to what one believes. (Of course on one level that is true, because one is asserting the opposite to what one has doubts about regarding oneself, in order to facilitate a movement toward efficacy). Also, intellectual questions such as, "Am I the fool that person X takes me to be?" can be deemed to be an admission of guilt, especially if one asserts adamantly, "I am certainly NOT the fool that X takes me to be!" The fact that X was able to plant an element of doubt in one's mind is taken as evidence of guilt or a tacit admission that one has those vile qualities that X supposes.

history and transitional periods


We are unfavourable to all ideals which could
make us feel at home in this frail, broken-down,
transition period ; and as regards the " realities "
thereof, we do not believe in their endurance. The
ice which still carries has become very thin : the
thawing wind blows ; we ourselves, the homeless
ones, are an agency that breaks the ice, and the
other too thin "realities." ...

Sunday, 14 February 2016

My life as another person's ethical dilemma - YouTube

My life as another person's ethical dilemma - YouTube:

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+Jennifer Armstrong I've often thought that, maybe the benefits of the mind that have come with the concepts of individualism, science, etc. are an off-shoot of ''sickness'' - but, I don't think so, I think even that idea - that health is somehow unhealthy is ''narc. speak''.  I think that the narc sub-culture is there - fucking up what would otherwise be a march towards a universally healthy mankind.  Hence, one has to educate oneself.
+EcceSignumRex The blind spot of the narcissist -- and it is a very significant one indeed -- is to imagine that somebody's temporary situation is necessarily permanent AND a marker of their personality.  This is a huge blind spot -- because somebody who succumbs to an illness and is damaged today may not be damaged tomorrow.  And somebody who is healthy today fall sick and need others to take his or her situation seriously.  The narcissist can only think about the present, and therefore leaves themselves open to all sorts of things than can occur, including people seeing through their disguise, in time.

My life as another person's ethical dilemma

Mike's gallivating (cycling around neighbourhood)

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Shapeshifting: Shamanic Techniques for Global and Personal Transformatio...

Antistar211 5 hours ago · LINKED COMMENT
Would you regard the English Pphilosopher Alan Watts as a shamanic type?
+Antistar211 Well I haven't read his stuff, but I think the defining aspect of a real shamanic type is that they merge their verbal or written elements with a kind of powerful undercurrent of action. It is as if their words were more than words, but actually a wave carrying you along to your destiny. In that sense, I don't think those who simply set out to explain things in words are really shamanic types. Nietzsche IS, by that definition, a shamanic type -- Bataille is, too, but to a lesser extent. The reason I say that Bataille is too, is that we can for instance see that when he writes Theory of Religion, he is inculcating a mantra by repetition of "I destroy..." This is a call to arms to destroy. But how effective is it? ......And then we have, as I have said, the writer Marechera, and he also does make some sweet music with his words. But if you dont' understand the reference points, and the extreme emotional repressiveness of the previous colonial regime, you can't seem to get this music out of it. Which is why his Western critics confuse him with postmodernism, or criticize him morally --- both of which miss the point. It's really all about the music and the possibility of that transforming us.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Targets of Narcissistic Abuse Are Rejected By Society - YouTube

Targets of Narcissistic Abuse Are Rejected By Society - YouTube: "Jennifer Armstrong 1 second ago
One of the problems is the way that people normalize the bad behavior. i was constantly told, over and over and over, that what I had experienced was simply normal behavior in Western culture, and that I should just get used to it. Since I had experienced extreme Cluster B behavior from many directions, I thought I had to try to learn this new "culture" to adapt to it -- and I did spend many years sincerely trying to do so.

'via Blog this'

Facing death

Vlog 42 - YouTube: You need to focus the force of your will, to weigh things down in your favour. In other words, your ego needs to gain more power as a result of a judgement that you make that goes in YOUR favour and AGAINST him. I was able to achieve this at one point in my life, and I have never looked back. I stated to myself that I would rather die than live a life of slavery or diminished selfhood. (Your psyche understands this formulation very well because at a deeper-than-conscious level, it has a preference for security over quality of life, and it qualifies this reflexive choice as "avoidance of death". Therefore to overcome your predilection toward the easy path [that leads to self-destruction in the longer term], you need to "face death".)   I repeated a Nietzschean mantra, "Rather despair than submit", and a quasi-Hegelian one: "Rather die than submit". Eventually I gained enough ego strength, in this way, to escape the gravitational pull toward destruction.
Be aware that by "facing death" in this way, you are just talking to your own psyche at its deepest level of functioning. This kind of "facing death" is no way as dangerous or as difficult as allowing yourself to be pulled in the opposite direction, which really is toward your self-destruction."

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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Narration of "How To Get The Narcissists Worms Out of Your Head"

Adolescence in Rhodesia, growing up as an "enemy combatant"

Vlog 41

You are in a very severe situation. If anyone can cope with it, you can. Yes, there really has been a backlash against women, and those of your and my age have experienced the brunt of it. Like you, I was not keeping track of the extreme hatred that came about as a cultural continuum after the second wave of feminism. I came from another country, which had been extremely patriarchal, and I'd internalized a lot of the religious mores. Since I was really conforming in more ways than one, I had no idea why there was this terrible backlash against me. The hostility I've experienced has been extremely dire.
As you said in your video, you would expect that professionals would at least be able to follow the rule of law, but I have found that so-called "professionals" really de-skill themselves when it comes to pursuing their ideological agendas. They act like infants who can't do anything for you. It is really sad.
In the end, these phonies are creating the sort of environment that will absolutely assure that even sleepy people like you and I wake up to their agenda. But in the mean time, this really is a WAR. And you and I are, to differing degrees, casualities of this war.
The only advice I can offer is to keep in mind that this is actually a war, and it is serious. Don't allow doctors to drug you up. keep control over your very lucid mind, as that is your best asset. Those who have any remaining integrity will eventually come to your rescue.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Vlog 34

 That is what I also have found so frustrating about narcissistic abuse, because I, too, am one of the most tolerant people and most enduring people in the world.  But all that means is that they prolong the torture by extending it out to the complete extent of every last bit of stoicism their victim has in them.   And then when they are finally done with you, they come up with a conclusion that you are them, and they are you, and that you simply can't endure even a little bit of hardship,  and that is why you are so broken now -- when the opposite was always true (and they knew it).

Over the many years, my patience with narcissists has become shorter and shorter, as I know how they work now.

Christianized mindset meets the Western critique of narcissism

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Intellectual articulation Vs. emotional sub-thought

Narcissism Interview with Dr Ramani Durvasula - YouTube

Narcissism Interview with Dr Ramani Durvasula - YouTube: "
Jennifer Armstrong1 second ago
That's right. The economic rationalism of bourgeois culture incentivises narcissistic traits.

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Vlog 33 - YouTube

Vlog 33 - YouTubeJennifer Armstrong1 second ago

The torturers really do attack you on the very small aspects, too, don't they? Like making one question one's ability to communicate very basic needs for respectful treatment, or doing a very, very basic clerical job (which is how they got to me).
Jennifer Armstrong 
As for 13:20, I didn't know where to turn, to find solidarity and group belongingness, after I had been attacked from every direction, including political left and right. I'm sure I was starting to be a bit susceptible to suggestion, or suggestibility, after this point. The real issue was that I couldn't articulate anything, because I thought my words had become meaningless. I kept trying different strategies to get through -- more emotion, less emotion in my communication, and so on. Nothing worked. I really was desperate to understand my situation, but people seemed offended by the words I'd chosen in every instance, which were deemed to be too extreme and not subdued enough, or not properly emotional enough to express something dire. In any case, my views and values were considered very offensive, as if they had to be re-parented. But I didn't want or need re-parented. I needed deeper knowledge of my situation and how it had come about.
Jennifer Armstrong 
Jennifer Armstrong1 second ago
That was me--I didn't have any normality to hold onto after the workplace mobbing tore down my health. People kept telling me, "You have to adapt to this now, as this is Western culture." My own thoughts were, "I don't know how to, as I can't see how what I experienced was a human interaction. It seemed like a cross-species interaction. I have no idea HOW to "learn" this "Western culture". But I must do so quickly. " In the mean time my father kept seeing me as the externalization of his own shame and guilt and trying to destroy what he thought he saw (just as the scapegoat is first laden down with all the sins of the community and then sent out in the wilderness to be destroyed). And my digestive system broke down. If I ate very much, my belly swelled up, and I had a massive case of burping that never seemed to stop. My parents told me this was "disgusting" and that I should snap out of it by embracing conservative Christianity. This was during an intervention that was infantilizing as my father told me, "You can't even speak properly." And somehow people found HIS explanation about the situation superior to mine, or more logical, because for the life of me I could not explain what was happening to me. Because I had lost my prior points of cultural reference, I really did believe that extreme narcissism and workplace harrassment was "Western culture" and that I should learn it and adapt to it. Absolutely everybody told me it was supremely normal to have had the experiences I'd had, and that the key was to "stop being so sensitive" and to start viewing societal narcissism as normal. My deeper intellectual mind knew this made no sense, especially as I was already very stoical and had persisted through a lot, but everyone told me I just needed to shake it off and adapt to this extreme set of circumstances that was the new "normal" for me now.
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Cultural barriers to objectivity