Thursday, 11 February 2016

Facing death

Vlog 42 - YouTube: You need to focus the force of your will, to weigh things down in your favour. In other words, your ego needs to gain more power as a result of a judgement that you make that goes in YOUR favour and AGAINST him. I was able to achieve this at one point in my life, and I have never looked back. I stated to myself that I would rather die than live a life of slavery or diminished selfhood. (Your psyche understands this formulation very well because at a deeper-than-conscious level, it has a preference for security over quality of life, and it qualifies this reflexive choice as "avoidance of death". Therefore to overcome your predilection toward the easy path [that leads to self-destruction in the longer term], you need to "face death".)   I repeated a Nietzschean mantra, "Rather despair than submit", and a quasi-Hegelian one: "Rather die than submit". Eventually I gained enough ego strength, in this way, to escape the gravitational pull toward destruction.
Be aware that by "facing death" in this way, you are just talking to your own psyche at its deepest level of functioning. This kind of "facing death" is no way as dangerous or as difficult as allowing yourself to be pulled in the opposite direction, which really is toward your self-destruction."

'via Blog this'

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