Tuesday, 23 February 2016

New Age notions about redressing narcissism are too passive - YouTube

New Age notions about redressing narcissism are too passive - YouTube:withowls eyewatch12 minutes ago

My encounters with people who have entertained new age notions have been harmful to the absolute extreme. Since I've learned about narcissism, I have come to realize that New Age notions are nothing but null and void of all sensibility and reality. The notions are all made up…by covert narcissists.

New Age metaphyisical teachers and student know absolutely nothing about evil, and in all cases, it's the easiest places for narcissist to hind and ensemble their flying monkey enablers. Let the gullible keep their heads in the sand. They know nothing and care nothing about the suffering inflicted upon victims of narcissistic torture. They don't want to hear anything about narcissism or the impact on the victims.

I have in the pass year removed all books, material, and everything else laying around that represents New Age notions. Out of my home, out of my life, out of my sight, out of my mind. I will never make any purchases in the future of anything that comes from New Age teachings. I'll never return to any group activities, workshops, churches that speaks of New Age ideas or ideals.

They don't know anything about narcissistic abuse. They don't care to know. They don't know that New Age notions enable narcissistic abuse. The horror stories of abuse I could tell about wandering into New Age communities. People are oblivious. They are comfortable remaining oblivious. Their notions misdirect and mislead. The bottom line is that narcissists created all the notions that sound good, but are completely empty to the truth. New Age looks nice and clean, it sounds sweet and peaceful and pretty, but it's a pig trough.

From now on, after learning the truth from the community of people who have suffered from narcissism as I have, if I meet a person who has no awareness of narcissism, I will make no investment trying to form a relationship with them. It's like this…"Free, at last! Free, at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!
Jennifer Armstrong 
+withowls eyewatch Excellent points! I agree. in a way, though, I am critiquing the more subtle or reasonable New Age mentalities. For instance (and I may elaborate on this later) I think that oftentimes "codependency" becomes a New Age spiritual notion, since ideas surrounding it counsel us to work on ourselves, when actually there is no such thing as a "spiritual journey" or "soul" that can be brought to perfection. Oftentimes, the advice given is very wise, but at the same time lacking in awareness regarding the above (that is, that there is no such thing as a "spiritual journey" or "soul" that can be brought to perfection). If you realize that human beings are not necessarily "on a spiritual journey" of their own, you may start to counteract aberrrations and violence in society using practical methods, including group awareness and solidarity.

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