Sunday, 24 July 2016

On the philosophy of ice cubes - YouTube

On the philosophy of ice cubes - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

Even if we accept the PoMo notion that every action or thought is influenced by and gives off power (which I'm assuming they get from a warped reading of Nietzsche), it's obvious that their goal is aimlessness. We're all just supposed to float around in our little individual bubbles without any start or end, hence the clusterfuck ensues. And to assume any kind of influence or interference with others inherently makes you the bad guy is baseless. In the political/social sphere we say: if you don't take power, someone else will.
Yes, and they do take power (those others to whom it is left). The only way to call the bluff of these people, these regressive liberals and postmodernists, is to stop them from leaching off one emotionally, whether it is to extract guilt or some other emotion of support, and just let them wander around.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity