Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The moderner's exaggerated confession about authoritarianism - YouTube

The moderner's exaggerated confession about authoritarianism - YouTubeGrace Colleen8 hours ago (edited)

Watch out for will happen! Perfect. Is the detachment considered part of the trauma response of flight? My own defense was to freeze, to deny that the event/abuse happened. At one point, I heard myself say, 'that didn't happen', that inner voice had gotten loud enough to hear. Once heard, then I could attend to why I used freeze as a response to trauma.
Jennifer Armstrong 
We should look at it in this way, that many reflexive reactions can be either very adaptive, or very obstructive to adaptation depending on the context. As I happens I am extremely adapted to survive in an authoritarian situation. The detachment and reflexive hiding of one's emotions (even from oneself if need be) facilitates survival under these conditions. In modernity, I find that I am maladaptive, because this level of survival reaction gets activiated when my emotional survival would already be assured by the tepid, contemporary conditions. Still, I have survival reactions, which would suit me better to a time of extremes or a time of war.
'via Blog this'

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Cultural barriers to objectivity