+Tony Hoeflinger You'll have to excuse me as I rarely listen to my videos again so I do not know what points I spoke of and can only guess. If it is about making excuses for very poor behaviour under the justification of "human nature", I think I can partly explain it. The attack on colonialism was an attack on what was most noble and powerful in Western culture. Of course nobility and power can also be abused, and colonial societies were in part predicated on that abuse. However, modern people do not separate the abuse of power under colonialism from the noble aspects of colonialism, which involved representing a standard for behavior to others, holding one's own against the winds of misfortune with great stoicism and so on. Nowadays to have noble mannerisms, which is to say to exhibit stoicism and fortitude, is to be viewed as having too much power and potential to abuse it. So those with noble mannerisms are pulled down and we are all supposed to wrestle in the mud.
Is this down to an open undisciplined society with no unifying rallying sense of core concepts?
Did the digital age help user in a culture with no capacity to focus on thought for an extended time span, no self restraint , no grounding in ethics?