Tuesday, 22 September 2015


The Freudian view does not make much sense where it presumes that an infant is like a computer that needs to have its hardware programmed by parental attention, or else there will be missing and corrupted data in the programme. If evolution had developed humans to be so exquisitely vulnerable to minor misprogrammings and corruption, it did a much worse job with humans than it did with absolutely any of the other species on Earth, which all seem to require only a very general infantile nurturing to make them grow up and function effectively. In fact even actual computer programmes, which are developed by humans, seem more stable than this notion of the infantile mental state.
My view is that by placing all the blame for malformed humans on the earliest stages of development, society (and Freudians) sidestep the problem of having to evaluate adults as adults, who make adult decisions, or fail to make them in a way that would be appropriate.
Sure, narcissists are sneaky, but it is possible for actual adults to eventually realize what is going on, and when they speak out, they should be believed.Then the damage they do would be minimized.
No more placing the blame on something that may or may not have happened long ago.
Narcissists only thrive because in some way their mental attitudes are adaptive. If we penalize that sort of behavior, their attitudes become maladaptive. But if we blame everything on something that happened prior to when consciousness formed, we are still left in the dark. It's the equivalent of dealing with "inherited sin" or something intangible.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity