Sunday, 13 September 2015


I had a guy who suddenly went off at me after many years, starting his aggressive and derisive spiel with, "You are projecting..." and then he went on. The problem is he largely miscalcuated and defused much of what potency from what he had to say, as the attitude I'd had toward him, including on that day, was one of great esteem. Since my attitude and mood were so positive toward him, almost tangibly so, I immediately thought he was asking me to revise that positive attitude and think again. I realized he had inadventently told me the truth -- that the esteem I'd had for him ought to have been for myself instead. I'd been projecting my best parts into him, instead of realizing they were my own. In another way he seemed to be defending himself from my positive esteem for him. What else could he have been implying, then, but "I hate myself"?
After that initial statement, he went off on a horrible diatribe, using other peoples slurs against me by repeating them or acting them out. I also found that was a miscalculation, as I had figured out that these original slurs against me had been made by people in great psychological distress (in other words, mentally unwell folk) and that as such they were probably not true, but very suspicious in cause of origin.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity