Saturday, 24 October 2015

Your and my wonderful, new contemporary deity, "My Biology" - YouTube

autodidactia 9 hours ago

 No biologist or evolutionary psychologist of any competence would attribute human behavior to genetic determinism . People who claim otherwise, don't understand biology and don't understand themselves and can't claim any legitimacy in their explanation.Lots of hacks out there.

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autodidactia 1 hour ago

 You should see what they turn into as adult men, in a culture of perpetual adolescence. It's getting scary.

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autodidactia 44 seconds ago

 America has always been a culture of extremes. Now the pendulum has swung too far the other way, from  authoritarian parenting to  permissive parenting. As a consequence the parent child relationship has been reversed to disastrous effect. The child is now the tyrant of the household , holding everyone hostage to his whims. He grows up thinking the world will do his bidding and he can be the little savage forever. He doesn't really ripen into an adult but rather spoils and turns rotten. I think we're being drowned in a  a wave of increasing  personality disorders, hence all the contradictory, hypocritical and irrational thinking.

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Jennifer Armstrong 1 second ago

 +autodidactia Yes, I agree with everything you say.  It's so weird.  I had the opposite upbringing.   I can't even understand the origins of a lot of the contemporary discourse, for this reason.

The worship of the child is fear of the grown adult, and it seems to me that this is part of a Western cultural syndrome which fears that adults commit crimes and are guilty of having a negative impact in history.  Western culture is defined by its feelings of colonial guilt, and keeping people as children is supposed to stop "it" happening again.  This remedy may "work" up to a point, but it does create a lot of personality disorders and the internalization of sickness (Western culture is sick).

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