Saturday, 24 October 2015

Your and my wonderful, new contemporary deity, "My Biology" - YouTube

autodidactia 40 seconds ago

 You and few others do speak out, but collectively there's a kind of blindness and denialism buttressed by the need to maintain comfortable illusions such as the idea that all we need to do is appeal to everyone's better nature and all will be fine.Well some people don't have a better nature and they hide that inconvenient fact very skillfully.

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Jennifer Armstrong 1 second ago

 +autodidactia Yes, there are silly notions like "just stand up for yourself" -- but then others use mechanisms that are beneath the surface of the consciousness of everyone, because they are infantile.  People will not see that others get rid of their fear of guilt (their shame) by mechanisms of splitting and by projective identification (scapegoating).  They like to imagine that the scapegoat is doing it to themselves. And the more down the road you go with this, the more you look like you, the scapegoat, have a fascination with self-punishment.  After all, the mass of the populace can't be wrong....can they?  This is why I avoid much of Western culture.  i can't afford its costs anymore.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity