Tuesday, 31 May 2016

What are Bataille and Nietzsche really trying to do? - YouTube

What are Bataille and Nietzsche really trying to do? - YouTube 

You have a talent to talk for 20min without saying anything. Your peach is a babble with very little sense. You seem to be a very nice person but the way you express yourself..... I sometimes fell as if you are talking to some alien species from other planets.
Jennifer Armstrong 
I am indeed a lovely person. I always welcome Americans to my YouTube channel and I even encourage them to breed like rabbits, so that the rest of us can experience so much more of this. The world simply cannot do without people exactly like you, who express everything they know in a just couple of very short sentences, leaving us in no doubt at all as to their intellectual calibre.
PS. No need to worry if you "sometimes fell". You can pick yourself up again, sweetheart.

What are Bataille and Nietzsche really trying to do?

Monday, 30 May 2016

Americans, culture and context

Vlog 97 Healing - YouTubeJennifer Armstrong2 minutes ago (edited)

I was one of those who did find the video on your mother dying wrought with emotion -- so much so that I could not comment on it myself. I don't go so close to such intense emotions. On the point of context, THIS is why I keep insisting on historical context. People these days are taught lazy methods, for instance to rely on hunches, rather than check historical context and see what is different between their own circumstances and experiences and those of another. Onto my third point, I have become too healthy to abide here in the so-called "narcissist support community". I have you, NF, very much to thank for deepening my understanding and maturity, but I still do not want to stay here too long, even on the extreme periphery, because I absolutely do not belong here at all, above all culturally. My thinking does not go along the same lines of those who divide the world into narcissists and co-dependents, or perpetrators and passive victims of abuse. Therefore, it is only a matter of time before I am once again taken out of context, and attacked by people who have not taken the time to learn how to do basic research or to think for themselves (for instance not even taking a few seconds, as I noticed recently from a commentator, to find out whether I have my own YouTube channel before accusing me of nefarious misdeeds such as overcommenting.) Anyway, you (NF) are very graceful under fire, and we can all learn a lot from you. As for myself (and perhaps this doesn't bear repeating), I can't abide American anti-intellectualism -- what I see as the cultural wilfulness to take things out of context. I believe I am completely in my rights to defend myself against nothing short of a global threat. This cultural wilfulness is a significant threat to global thinking, and I am the eternal enemy of those who visit my site and expect me to pander to their own cultural needs whilst not even showing me the courtesy of taking several minutes of their time to do very basic research on my historical background and my own cultural identity. By the way, I have stated my position here in detail because I do believe there may be people here who are mature enough, intellectually as well as psychologically and emotionally, to understand precisely what I am saying. If not, no harm done, and am already on my own way.

Mike supports Tammy Solonec, Labor for Swan District, WA


Americans find philosophy and thinking to be tedious and offensive, and in a way a royal pain in the ass. They fear they will lose their families if they start to engage in thought, or that they have only the capacity to spew bullshit, and will end up contrary to everyone around them. They need to stop talking, since they are going nowhere with their talking and never will. One or two comments from them is ok, but then they need to silence themselves and go and do something productive. (Not you -- just general Americans)

Dunking this under ocean on a warm winterish day

Sunday, 29 May 2016

The walled-in personality: Rhodesia, Bataille and Catholicism

Vlog 95 Healing - YouTube

Vlog 95 Healing - YouTube: "Western psychology (and philosophy, therefore) has a problem with "the person" or "the subject". Therefore it offers a coin with two flipsides. On the one side "the person" can explain themselves, and they will be dismissed as engaging in too much navel gazing. Alternatively, "the person" can erase any trace of themselves as individual persons and adopt a mantle of objectivity, talking about "things as such" that are deemed to be impersonal and universally true. In either case, if you will notice carefully, personhood is erased. In my view, flipping from one side to the other side of the coin does not resolve the problem that is really a construct of Western metaphysics. In simpler terms, we are still poorer off if people think or feel that they absolutely must not explain themselves for fear of seeming weak.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

A serious propaganda misdeed that seriously misfired - YouTube

A serious propaganda misdeed that seriously misfired - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

Anytime I hear or see a group saying or acting like they are tough, I know it is just a front and they are weak. Unfortunately whole segments of society and even towns can act and think they are tough. They are overcompensating. Many of them join together or push certain group norms and mores in order to fit in. Some can do this playfully and get away with it, while most embody what they feel is tough and broadcast this bravado. This also goes for people or groups that are perceived to be hard workers and promote themselves as such, when actually they are not working any harder than anyone else, and of course, there are the people who manipulate others and rip down the hard work and happiness of others.
Jennifer Armstrong 
Back in the say, when I was extremely impressionable, my father had to visit an army barracks and there was a kind of wooden fence and an arena. I would have been about eight or ten and I went and leant against the fence, nearby to some massive biceps of some real soldiers. My father cautioned me away. They may have been making threatening sexual references or something I was not aware of. This was genuinely a rough and tough culture.

A serious propaganda misdeed that seriously misfired

Vlog 92 Healing

I have also felt like I was trying to save people from themselves, especially blood relatives. When the trauma is too deeply buried, we can't really help them very much, it seems. Or maybe we do help them in all sorts of ways that we will never understand. I think people do intrinsically recognize the truth, even infants do, or especially infants do, but they can't always find the strength inside of themselves to respond to it. All the same, having someone in the vicinity who constantly represents and upholds the truth likely makes things better in all sorts of hidden ways.
As for matter of playing into the narc's hand by speaking in a straight and direct manner, some of us do and some of us don't and some do to only a partial extent.
I realize that I am really so foreign and really so multi-layered that I risk only a bit by speaking directly and straightforwardly.

Vlog 91 Healing

Extremely messed up. This is why I called my line of enquiry "intellectual shamanism" because you really have to be able to see with a second vision to detect these things. And then working on healing the situation is another thing again.

Removing the context of history is just conventional gaslighting

Removing the context of history is just conventional gaslighting

Women Of The Night 
your patch is triggering me
Jennifer Armstrong 
bang, bang.
Thursday's Child 
When listening to you here, as well as in previous videos, I feel outrage at your having been made so cruelly unlucky with matters about which luck ought to have no place. I fell in with a therapist who made the difficult transformative journey from his two dimensional paper doll world into the muck and blood of historical reality from which I refused to budge. My therapy was rooted within full acknowledgment of my historical context. I received what you were denied, what was denied to you as even existing. That is an outrage, and I'm sorry for the additional injury that was done to you. The therapy you were assaulted with was most certainly malevolent, and it is an astonishment that you have held together throughout and despite all. I'm very glad you're here.
Jennifer Armstrong 
Thank you very much for your kindness. Actually, in terms of "good" and ""evil" players in history, things were weighted against me as well. If you look at how meaning is taught in the humanities, especially via the medium of postmodernism, just about everyone is a legitimate historical victim except for evil "colonialists". Guess which category I fit into?
Other issues preventing me from getting therapy of any useful, non-destructive, non-malicious sort were
1. That I was superficially adapted to Western culture, so I did not -- superficially -- seem "foreign", even though I was
2. Because I had received the kind of education in the humanities described above, I was not telling my own story from my own perspective, but from the point of view of having superficially adapted to Western culture
3. I was also telling my story from the point of view of Christian moral self-condemnation, without realizing that my father had beaten me up so seriously that this was why I had difficulty expressing emotions. (once again telling my narrative from an alien perspective)
4. i have schizoid traits, which means I entertain myself with fantasies whilst admitting I am genuinely disoriented. (This makes people angry?)
5.. I was very, very angry at the way I had been treated already, and my anger was considered illegitimate, quite likely because of my gender (as it is a tradition in psychology to illegitimize a woman's anger), but also because I was not yet able to tell my story from my own perspective, but was relating it from the perspective of others.
On the other hand I very much emphasized the historical past to draw it to the attention of the therapist. I tried to emphasize that it was an emotional issue for me, even though the only emotion I was capable of expressing was a kind of intellectual rage.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Vlog 89 Healing

Jennifer Armstrong
10:10 AM
+Narcissist Free -almost When I had CFS it was like living on a razor's edge. Every negative thought seemed to detract from the power of my immune system to recover. I had to become extremely hyper self-aware to try to recapture every small resource of positive energy, whilst reducing the impact of negative energy. That is a terrible way to live, really scary. The way I came out of that was by emotional and cognitive re-training. Actually the philosopher Nietzsche helped me tremendously. I now think that I had been so bashed by my father to conform to a Christian, feminine mode, that my real emotions couldn't come to the surface and were eating me away from within. To feel or to be able to express negativity was impossible for me. Every time I sensed the slightest negative sensation coming to the surface, I would attack myself -- hence the auto-immune disease.
Nietzsche was very, very instrumental in training me back to health, and away from this hyper-Christianised self-censoring mindset.
By contrast with this sort of life and death battle, the menopause is not good at all, I feel, but it is also not at all bad by any means. I can actually enjoy the movement toward greater emotional authenticity and integration with myself.
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Vlog 87 Healing - YouTube

Vlog 87 Healing - YouTube: "Ok, I'm commenting here, but in a different vein. My view is that narcopaths are no match for someone who is whole. They are really outclassed. Supposing I have a weaker point, and why not, or why wouldn't I? Everybody has them. I will offer my weaker point as their dinner. "Here, come take me. I have a weaker point." When they arrive for the dinner, I will bash them with my stronger point. After all, why not? I have a stronger point, so I may as well bash them with it.

It's very weak, in any case, to think that everything is competition. This is so modern and gullible. The modern narcopath makes believe that he or she is not expendable. But this is tremendous gullibility. I have never engaged with someone who was using narcissistic dynamics against me who was not gullible. And always, up until now, it has not been their shrewdness but their gullibility that has disappointed me entirely. That makes me sad because humans have not always been so star struck.
I see the cause, not the competition, and when a narc goes on a rampage, they destroy their cause, at least in my eyes. I've never known this not to happen.
And when they choose their battleground and their point of contention, it always strikes me as humorous. For instance, they can't comprehend that when they choose to target me for quality X, I will take them at their word, and make them question every quality X they have about them and whether that's a good thing. This is so easy to do. The narc. raises a doubt and uses boundary violation, but if it's war, then I'm not hindered by the rules -- so long as a war, or a challenge, has been declared.
But the narc. is so stupid, he doesn't even realize he has issued a challenge. He is so unskilled that he does not preserve others through maintaining healthy power relations. He issues unnecessary and self-defeating challenges that make him easy to defeat.
I go for the longest possible game, but the narc. is short term. The moderner has features that make him gullible.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Vlog 77 Healing - YouTube

Vlog 77 Healing - YouTube 

Ok-- the laws of power, we do need to be aware of them. It's about creating allure through mystification and fear. We end up projecting our reverence and our fears into this mysterious other, thus they retain control over us. The cure is complete self-development and education, which was why I returned to university. In fact, though, at this stage in human development, we can pretty much count on these laws of power being in action, which is why we need to adapt to them and combat them, rather than just critique them. A privileged position is gaining the perception you have when you really have lost everything, and you are no longer inclined to project either your good or evil into others, but the mjaority of people do not reach this lowest of lows.
In terms of combatting the people who use these psychological dynamics to dominate others, there are many means and methods, and the key to all of them is when you switch off your emotion. Just as a snake "sees" body heat, a predator will track you according to your emotion, so if you want to share the same advantages as them, you need to switch off the emotion effects and learn to listen. It's a whole different world then, and you can learn who is projecting into whom.
These human projections are actually unstoppable. I don't think you can stop them any more than you can stop galaxies forming around black holes in the universe. Really self-disciplined people can see it all in amazement, but otherwise most people do not see or understand the forces they are responding to. When I read Marechera's Black Sunlight, I found a passage that sems to speak from this perspective about power:
"What has not been done in the name of some straitjacket?’ My soul a neat shirtfront; these star-studded galaxies. Ashtrays on the desk overflow with stubbed inventions. Night and sky are refuges on a quay; the world debris piled at the edge of neat memoranda. White pebbles on a white beach dazzle the eye towards the lighthouse; a spurt of flame is the whiteman shooting grouse. Orion smiles at cracked tiles on Brixton roofs. The mirror flinches. Torn commandments of clouds shroud the sky from me. Time and space enclose me in their fetid rooms."
It's really a transcendental look at things relating to power.

Vlog 77 Healing - YouTube

Vlog 77 Healing - YouTube 

Ok-- the laws of power, we do need to be aware of them. It's about creating allure through mystification and fear. We end up projecting our reverence and our fears into this mysterious other, thus they retain control over us. The cure is complete self-development and education, which was why I returned to university. In fact, though, at this stage in human development, we can pretty much count on these laws of power being in action, which is why we need to adapt to them and combat them, rather than just critique them. A privileged position is gaining the perception you have when you really have lost everything, and you are no longer inclined to project either your good or evil into others, but the mjaority of people do not reach this lowest of lows.
In terms of combatting the people who use these psychological dynamics to dominate others, there are many means and methods, and the key to all of them is when you switch off your emotion. Just as a snake "sees" body heat, a predator will track you according to your emotion, so if you want to share the same advantages as them, you need to switch off the emotion effects and learn to listen. It's a whole different world then, and you can learn who is projecting into whom.
These human projections are actually unstoppable. I don't think you can stop them any more than you can stop galaxies forming around black holes in the universe. Really self-disciplined people can see it all in amazement, but otherwise most people do not see or understand the forces they are responding to. When I read Marechera's Black Sunlight, I found a passage that sems to speak from this perspective about power:
"What has not been done in the name of some straitjacket?’ My soul a neat shirtfront; these star-studded galaxies. Ashtrays on the desk overflow with stubbed inventions. Night and sky are refuges on a quay; the world debris piled at the edge of neat memoranda. White pebbles on a white beach dazzle the eye towards the lighthouse; a spurt of flame is the whiteman shooting grouse. Orion smiles at cracked tiles on Brixton roofs. The mirror flinches. Torn commandments of clouds shroud the sky from me. Time and space enclose me in their fetid rooms."
It's really a transcendental look at things relating to power.

Cultural barriers to objectivity