Sunday, 29 May 2016

Vlog 95 Healing - YouTube

Vlog 95 Healing - YouTube: "Western psychology (and philosophy, therefore) has a problem with "the person" or "the subject". Therefore it offers a coin with two flipsides. On the one side "the person" can explain themselves, and they will be dismissed as engaging in too much navel gazing. Alternatively, "the person" can erase any trace of themselves as individual persons and adopt a mantle of objectivity, talking about "things as such" that are deemed to be impersonal and universally true. In either case, if you will notice carefully, personhood is erased. In my view, flipping from one side to the other side of the coin does not resolve the problem that is really a construct of Western metaphysics. In simpler terms, we are still poorer off if people think or feel that they absolutely must not explain themselves for fear of seeming weak.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity