Let us be a more careful and recognize the perversity entailed in Vaknin's mode of thinking. He is not a God, which is to say definitely not infallible, and his tendency is always to paint everyone with the same brush, if not immediately, then in his ultimate analysis, when he triumphantly labels everyone a narcissist, as he did more recently on another video channel. When Vaknin tars "artists" and those who introspect (moreover who trust their own introspection above the input of authorities) here we have the narcissist's own bittter envy. Vaknin has a similar approach to economics, whereby he creates a false and overly psychological analysis of left wing politics -- once again employing his common maneuver of labelling those who do not submit to the existing and established order as narcissists. I'm not sure why people are so uncritical of this fellow. I'd guess it's because he speaks with an air of authority -- even of final authority. But the real causes and effects of economics, art, and introspection escape him, as they are much more complicated than the sweeping psychologism he employs.